~Doranbolts Point of View~
Damn that dark mist took all my magic power. I cant even move my body aches to much to even move. Somebody moved my head it seems to be elevated a bit now. That helps a bit until I heard someone yelling in my ear.
"Damn it! You better not die on me, Doranbolt!"
"Instead of dying, I could just rest for awhile." I said trying to open my eyes.
"You're okay!" Lucy said with tears trimming her eyes.
"And you're still yelling." I sad chuckling.
"Sorry. I'm just glad you're okay."
"I know. Thanks for worrying." Its good to have someone worry about me for a change.
"Oh yeah I managed to catch a key when you got sent flying back into the back wall of the carriage." I tried reaching into my sleeve to pull the key out.
"Where are my other keys?"
"I kicked them under the seat I was in. I tried to get them out of view so they wouldn't take them then they could not hide them from you." I said handing her the key.
"This is Herupa! She can heal you while you're here. Open Gate of th-. Oh thats right I cant use magic with these cuffs in place." Lucy said putting her head down in defeat.
"I'm useless."
"I'm sor-"
"Lucy!" Just then a small blue pixie was flying around Lucy then landed on her head.
"Huh? Herupa!?"
"Miss Lucy, Am I allowed to heal this man? He is dangerously low on magic energy and his wounds can be healed as well." Herupa said looking at me.
"Of course please do so!" Lucy said as the small pixie started flying around me leaving blue dust to fall on me. I felt my wounds closing and my magic energy increasing by the second.
"What does the King want with the Celestial Girl?" We heard a guard say.
"Well, the King needs Pure Spirits to be turned into a mortal." Another guard said.
'Revival?' I thought to myself. I was pulled out f my thoughts when Lucy was speaking about escaping.
"You have the ability to teleport, right?"
"Yes, but-"
"Once your magic is high enough, teleport outside. Herupa will leave a trail of dust behind her. Alert the Magic Counsel once your out, then follow the trail to come and help me. I'll hold out until then." Lucy said demanding.
"I can't just leave you here. I can teleport both of us!" I yelled.
"You're right, but it will use up more magic energy causing you to get weaker. Lowering our chance of surviving."
"But-" Lucy cut me of before I could finish.
"I'll be fine. Trust me. Escape and alert the Counsel. Herupa will go with you." She said reassuring me.
"His magic is enough to be used once to teleport, Miss Lucy." Herupa said Landing on my shoulder ready to depart from Lucy.
"Go. Hurry!" Lucy said rushing me.
"I'm sorry. I'll come back for you!"
I landed outside what looked like a fortress made of brick but it blended in with its background to where no one could notice it unless you ran into it.
"Lets hurry. Miss Lucy is grave danger." Herupa said with tear falling from her small face.
"Of course." I was limping while Herupa was leaving trail behind us from where we teleported.
~Stings Point of View~
We just spotted the destroyed carriage as we flew around the eastern forest. It was broken down with a body imprint on the front wall of the carriage.
"This is the place." Orga said examining the carriage.
"How can you prove it, Sherlock?" I said sarcastically. Sometimes Orga can be a idiot.
"Well, your beloved girlfriends keys are here." Orga said picking up Lucy's key pouch and throwing towards me.
"They must have been taken away." Rogue said with his arms crossed keeping a look out.
"That bastard didn't do the one thing I told him to do." I said punching the the carriage creating a hole.
"I'm sure they are okay, Sting. Just think up a plan." Minerva said trying to calm me down.
"Me, Rogue, and Kirara will try to catch Lucys scent. Minerva and Rufus will search over head with the help of Lector and Frosch if they managed to escape. Orga try to find them using your God speed." I said sniffing the air while putting Lucys Pouch on my belt.
"If you find anything about Lucys whereabouts shoot your magic into the sky, so we can find you." Rogue said motioning Kirara to follow us.
"Alright." They all said in unison.
We all split up over 2 hours ago. We've been searching for over 2 hours, and we haven't picked up even a whiff of Lucys scent.
"Have you smelt anything Kirara?" Rogue asked sniffing the air again.
She roared shaking her head motioning "No."
"Wait a minute! I smell that healing spirit, and that man." I said growling remembering Doranbolt.
"I don't smell Lucy either." Rogue said coming to my direction.
"Bastard, he probably left Lucy behind to save himself." I said running in the direction of the scent.
Surely enough there he was limping with Herupa following behind him. My eyes widened in shock as I saw the condition he was in.
"Doranbolt! What happened?!?" Rogue says as Herupa goes to Kirara.
"They drained all my magic. I need to contact the Magic Counsel." Doranbolt said in between pants handing me Herupas gate key
"Where is Lucy?" I asked trying to help Doranbolt.
"Follow my trail. Lucy is trapped where the trail leads. The only thing I am aware of is they plan to revive a mortal. Please save Miss Lucy!" She said then disappeared.
"The Magic Counsel is on their way as we speak. Just wait until then." Rogue said setting Doranbolt down near a tree.
"Follow the trail. You must hurry before they do anything to harm her." Doranbolt said leaning on the tree.
"You should worry about yourself for now." I said placing Lucys key in the pouch.
"AHHHHHHH!!!" The birds flew from the trees due to the high pitch scream. My eyes widened in terror. Rogue and I knew whose voice that was.
"Lucy!" We looked at each other and ran in the direction of the scream. Leaving Kirara to protect Doranbolt.
Next Chapter:

Forgetting FairyTail
Fiksi PenggemarAfter FairyTail Disbands, Natsu leaves to train and to become stronger. Although, he did not realize who he left in tears. Lucy leaves Magnolia due to the painful memories of her former guild to pursue her dream of becoming a writer in Crocus. Howe...