~Normal Point of View~
Dormanji reached Natsu first uppercutting him, making him stumble backwards.He took the opportunity to lift Natsu by the neck and punch him sending him into a building this one also crumbling to the ground. Sting watched as he lifted Natsu once more and threw him through more buildings, Dormanji nodded to Jonilet before following Natsu in the thrown direction.
"Its not very nice to stray your attention away from your enemy." Jonilet said as blood orbs filled the air around herself. She raised her hand in the air making most of the orbs come to her hand to form a giant curved blade. Sting watched as Jonilet lowered her arm placed the curved end in the opposite palm examining the blade thoroughly. "Its been so long since I've held my fathers sword." She swung the sword, slicing the air in front of her.
"I wonder how she'll take it when you're dead and gone." Jonilet said as she walked slowly to Sting. "Especially by her hands." Sting took a deep breath as Jonilet once again charged at him. Not wanting to harm Lucy any further he was left only to defend.
Jonilet leaped in the air above Sting, she swung the sword heavily in the ground where he stood, only to have Sting move slightly to side, just avoiding the attack. Jonilet yanked the sword out of the ground placing it over her shoulder. "Won't you fight your beloved, I see."
"Why not come out her body and fight me head on?" She laughed, but quickly ending as behind them a multiple fire pillars emerged from the ground adorned by yells of agony. "Dormanji?!" Jonilet stumbled backwards but quickly recovered by swinging her sword to the side of her aiming to hit Stings torso, which he evaded with a one handed cart wheel. While doing the cart wheel he managed to hit the blade out her hands with his foot. The blade was sent flying behind her hitting a wall of the building splattering on the wall. Jonilet gasped, coughing blood that ran down her chin dripping to the ground. She grabbed her stomach and she fell to one knee.
She gazed at the ground as Sting walked closer to her, her eyes changing from red to brown only slightly. "Stay Back!" With her free arm she extended it to Stings direction making the a portion of the blood orbs turn to bullets and shoot his way. Sting crossed his arms over his head making a small shield over his body. Many of the bullets splattered on his barrier while others grazed his skin. The shield soon disappeared leaving his body bare. He hissed in pain when three bullets went cleanly through his left leg, lower torso, and his right forearm.
Sting knelled on his right leg as another agonizing yells came, along with angered ones. Once again pillars of fire lit the sky again, only this time in a star formation. They quickly merged together forming one gigantic flame pillar with a intense scream of pain, that stopped. Suddenly a dark pulse traveled through the air passing Sting but hitting Jonilet into the wall where her blade splattered, the wall finally breaking. In the distance, because of Stings Master dragon hearing, Stings eyes widened as he faintly heard a body collapse to the ground and say, 'Save Lucy.'
Sting directed his attention to Jonilet who's eyes where flickering Brown and Red once again, this time staying brown a bit longer than before. His eyes brimmed with tears as Jonilet stood up once again blood dripping from her body. Sting charged at Jonilet yelling in anger as he punched a paralyzing Stigma on her injured stomach.
"I don't want to hurt you." He whispered. He then proceeded to enter his Dragon Force with teary eyes in a attempt to save Lucy. "Light Dragons Pure Pillar!"
Jonilet looked down and placed her hand on the ground, "This is not our era, my dear. We'll be together once again." Those were her final words before the Red eyes turned to Brown, only to be out shined by the white light landing upon her. Sting's eyes slowly closed and he was blinded by his own light and fell to the ground.
It's been almost a week since Rosemary has found everyone except Kirara in the broken City, nearly on deaths door.
"When do you think she'll wake up Rosamary?" Sting asked sitting up from his bed in Rosemarys cabin covered in bandages.
"Today, my child her wounds have nearly completely healed, and she's gotten plenty of rest. Darkness is not easy to cleanse the of." She said placing a hand over Lucy's hand.
"She's strong Sting. She'll wake up before you know it." Rogue said also covered in bandages standing in the door way.
"Did you manage to find that Natsu boy after he left?" Rosemary asked turning to Rogue who shook his head and looked down.
"He used his exceed, Happy to get away from me. It seemed as if he was heading to the train stations direction. I would be able to catch him if our exceeds weren't at the guild recovering with Minerva."
"They needed a safe place to recover with love and care, in other words, I don't have medicine for exceeds." Rosemary said before looking down at her feet. "He seemed very distant since he woke up a few days ago. He refused many of my treatments repeating how he didn't deserve it or she will hate me."
Sting slightly flinched as those words left Rosemarys mouth. "I did not know what to do than to leave him be, sadly. Although I did treat what I could, so he should be fine." Rosemary eyes widened as she felt a grip on her hand.
"I need to find him." Lucy said hoarsely and groggy. She attempted to sit up with Rosemary happily helped her with.
"You have not fully recovered my dear! You must wait for a bit regain your strength." But Lucy paid no mind and continued her way limping out the door, leaving the others dumbfounded. Including Sting who only remained in his seat letting her go to make her own choice.
Okay, Now there will be two ending chapters one for Stinglu and the other Nalu.
So please wait they will be out tomorrow! There will be major editing in this whole Book and I might even add some more chapters in between previous ones so be on the look out for those!

Forgetting FairyTail
FanfictionAfter FairyTail Disbands, Natsu leaves to train and to become stronger. Although, he did not realize who he left in tears. Lucy leaves Magnolia due to the painful memories of her former guild to pursue her dream of becoming a writer in Crocus. Howe...