Chapter 7: Encounter and Stings Office

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~Lucy's Point of View~

I was walking up the stairs to the second floor, where I'm guessing Stings office is located.The only bad thing is I don't know where it is located. The second floor is just a series of doors they all look the same.

There was no one in sight from what I can see it was dark all the way down. However I could feel two pairs of eyes watching my every move. It sent me shivers down my spine knowing two strangers were watching my every move.

I could sense which direction the gazes were coming from. I decided to act as if I didn't know walking in that direction. I approached the darkness with caution ready to fight the ones lurking in the darkness. I was coming close to one of the watchers in the shadows I could hear faint breathing.

I came closer to the shadow lurker the breathing stopped. I knew who ever they were was in my arms range. To my surprise the were on opposite sides of me. One on the right, one on the left. I bet Its Sting and one of his friends trying to scare me, so why not surprise them. I lunged right to catch the figure to only hear a gasp. "Gotcha!" I yelled laughing as I tackled the person to the ground.

I still couldn't see the persons face since it was still dark.

"I could sense you all the way down the hall you know." I said playfully.

"M-mind getting off me now?" He was stuttering. It was funny until realized I was on top of the person with their hands held down by mine above their head. I was blushing 50 different shades.

"Sorry!" I practically yelled moving the opposite side of the hall.

"Lucy! Are you okay?" I hear Sting running towards me.

"Yeah, but this guy here was lurking around the guild!" I said pointing guy in the shadows still.

"Oh then you must have met Rogue then." He said putting a hand in the shadows.

"Thanks, Sting." The figure named Rogue pulled himself up with the help of Sting.

I could finally see him clearly. His eyes were a beautiful shade of red, and he long black hair fringe that covered his right eye.

"I'm surprised you sensed him Blondie. Not a lot of people can." Sting said proudly.

" Well I sensed Rogue first. Then when i went closer that's when I sensed his buddy was there too. However his friend was a bit harder to notice. " I said crossing my arms.

"What friend? There was no one here, but me." Rogue said emotionless.

"Oh stop it the jokes over. I knew you're here." I said walking into the darkness.

"No ones here." Sting said with his hand covered in light.

"I could have sworn I sensed someone was here." I said.

"You're probably just tired Blondie. I'll help you find a house, but for now lets go to my office. You too Rogue."Sting said.

"Okay." Rogue and I say in unison.

~Stings Point of View~

I wonder who was the other person Lucy was sensing. I don't know anyone who can hide better than Rogue can. I'll look into that later and find out who it was. Now its time for Blondie to get her surprise from me and Rogue.

Hopefully she'll like it. Yukino would have loved it if they went to her.

"Here we are, Lucy. Take a seat I have a present for you."I said.

"You don't have too. You already gave me a great gift. You gave me a place to call home."She said as she warmly smiled at me.

"Well think of this as a welcoming gift." Rogue and I nodded to each other. Rogue walked to a corner of the room and picked up a small red velvet box with gold trimming and gold letter with the initials L.H .
Rogue handed me the dusted beautiful box. "Do you happen to remember Yukino?" I said to her dusting off the box.

"Of course I do. Speaking of which where is Yukino? I haven't seen her in ages!" She heads towards the door until Rogue stops her with his arm extended to side of him blocking her way.

"You see Yukino isn't here anymore. She left the guild wanting a magic free life." Lucy looked shocked I knew what she was thinking.

"Her keys are right here." I said handing her the box.

"She wants you to take her keys and take care of them for her.

"Is this what she truly wanted?" I could hear her voice cracking.

"Yes, Yes it is. She only wanted you to take them. She trusts you more than anyone." I told her.

"If this what she wanted I will respect her decision." Blondie said. That was a lot easier than I expected.

"Thank you, Lucy. Yukino would be at peace since you have them."I said.
"I agree." Rogue joined me in comforting Lucy.

"Look everyone is partying down stairs lets go join them."

"But its already late I need to find a house before its night." she said.

"You could room with us for a bit. Until you find your own place." I offered looking at Rogue.

"Are you sure? Rogue are you okay with it? I dont want to seem like a bother." She looked at Rogue while Rogue looked at me smiling and we both nodded.

"I don't mind at all." Rogue said smiling at Lucy. Lucy happily smiled back. I kind of wished it was me she was smiling at me instead of Rogue. I shook my head side to side quickly.

"Lets party!" I hear Blondie yell. "Yeah!" The guild and I yell in unison. I get the odd feeling were being watched. I know Blondie does too she looks too stiff at the bar not to mention looking over her shoulder again and again. Rogue is watching his surroundings a bit too much I guess he his on guard too. I guess I'm not the only one.

~Next Chapter~

Duos House

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