Chapter 36: Park

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~Natsu's Point Of View~

I left the house not caring about the cold wind that hit my body, but it didn't really matter since I never get cold. I couldn't stand what I was hearing in that house, not to mention seeing. I just needed some time alone, after what I just found out. Still, I shouldn't have left, because I have no idea where I'm going plus i'm getting hungry. A restaurant won't be open at 1am, a buffet or something at least. I still walked down the street with my hands in my pockets until I got tired of walking.

Soon enough, my path was interrupted by a park with a swing set. Since knew I wouldn't find a restaurant open, no point in wasting energy. I walked into the park and sat on the swing slightly swinging back and forth. I tried to clear my mind, but my thoughts kept wondering to Lucy and her SaberTooth mark.

I put my head in my hands thinking of what I did wrong, but nothing came to mind. I tried my best, I wanted to tell her so much more than I did before Sting and Rogue came back, But once again I failed. I couldn't tell her what I wanted, like always. I let out a heavy sigh as I raised my head from my hands looking at the ground. My eyes widened at a familiar scent and voice.

"Natsu! Where are you?!" I looked to the streets to see my best friend walking on the sidewalk searching around for me. I got a closer look and saw Lucy wearing nothing but light pajamas in the cold of the night. Soon enough we made eye contact and she ran over to me.

"Lucy, what are you doing here?" I said as I stood up from the swing and walked in her direction. By the time she met up with me she was huffing and puffing from the sudden running she did.

"Finally, I found you." She said standing up straight.

"You were looking for me?" I asked as she finally made eye contact. I noticed her face was a tint of red most likely from the cold.

"Of course I was. The others wanted me to stay home but I got really worried when you stormed out of the house."

"They're not with you?" I asked looking around for the others.

"No, they don't even know i'm here."She said as she shrugged her shoulders and shivering from the cold. I gave a sigh of relief as she said that.

"Wanna go to the swings for a bit, Luce?" As I said my old nickname for her, I saw her eye widen as a big smile formed on her face. She gave a happy nod and ran ahead of me to the swings. Luce sat on swing as I walked to the swing next next to her. She kept her eyes on me until I sat on the swing. A comforting silence filled the air and we softly swung on the swings.

~3rd Person Point of View~

As both mages enjoyed the comfort of silence, one particular mage wanted this memory to be more happy so he could cherish it, before time ran out. As he stared at the blonde mage who was admiring the night sky covered in stars, a perfect idea came into his mind. He gave out a slight snicker before putting his plan into action. He silently snuck behind the celestial mages swing and gently placed his hands on her hips.

"Hold on Luce!" Natsu exclaimed as he pulled Lucy back on the swing.

"What are you doing?!" Lucy yelled as she held onto the swing chains for dear life.

"Natsu! Noo-" She was cut off by her own screams as Natsu ran under her pushing her high on the swing.

"I gave you a head start! Let's see who can go higher!" Natsu said as he made his way to his own swing and began swinging.

The blonde girl looked at her childish friend in disbelief, but soon began laughing at his challenge as a sign of acceptance. Laughter and childish insults filled the air where the silence once occupied. Constant laughter followed by playful insults filled the playground. Even the passing by pedestrians would laugh at the two actions.

Almost an hour had passed before the two were out of energy to continue swinging. Now they sat on the swings once again softly swinging. Stories were shared between the two about the time they were separated. She told him about her new partner and how they meet. He told her about his training and battles he fought along the way.

"Did you get the wound on your arm from a battle too?" Lucy asked pointing to his bandaged fore arm. He glanced over to his bandages before placing his arm over it.

"Yeah, It was pretty deep and I needed to get stitches." Natsu answered.

"Well if you need the bandages to be changed let me know, okay?"

"You'll be the first to know if I need help." He said sending Lucy one of his goofy grins. Lucy gave a light giggle at his response. Soon after their conversation ended Natsu decided it was time he tak to her about a topic he been wanting to say since he met up with Lucy.

"Lucy, I wanted to know-" He opened his mouth to begin his sentence but was immediately cut off by Lucy's sudden sneeze.

"Are you getting sick?" Natsu asked as he leaned forward on his swing.

"No, I'm fine." Lucy said as a pink cloud appeared in front of them.

"Take this, Hime. It will keep you warm in the nights cold." Virgo said wrapping a fluffy but warm blanket around Lucy.

"You're always there when I need you Virgo. Thank you." Lucy said pulling the blanket closer to her.

"Of course. Stay safe Hime." Virgo said as she disappeared.

A short silence captured the air again, before Natsu tried to speak again. Only this time to interrupted by his own stomach. Which made Lucy laugh and stand up from her swing.

"Let's go get some food. I know some places that are open around this time." She said as she began walking onto the dimly lighted road.

Natsu gave out a sigh of frustration before jogging to catch up to his partner to engage in yet another conversation.

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