Update on Chosen Characters!

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Team1: Demon Slaying (Must be Demon Slaying to fill slots!)

Jess Amino- Air Demon Slayer (Crimsonredarrow)

Zoe Link- Earth Demon Slayer (MegSaysHi)

Tempest Storm- Lightning Devil Slayer (iccha5)

Kiyomi Hitachi- Water Demon Slayer (Brightfire_doodles) 

Kironia - Nature Dragon Slayer (kironia)  

Team 2: Infantry

Fawn-Crystal Dragon Slayer (Air Pokemon)

Titania Vermilia- Elemental Magic (babycakes552)

Violet Storm- Celestial (blamismyname)

Lily Bloodfox- Water Dragon Slayer (Millicant)

Chrystal Johnson- Time Arc (Kana12349)

Team 3: Defence 

Sienna Mae- Elemental Make (LuceACelestialSlayer)

Mystery Prez- Ice Dragon Slaying (oreocheesecake571)

Krystal Shiella- Infinity Dragon/God Slaying (JellytheJellyfish)

Kira Rose- Spiritual Magic (Warlu93)

Belle Phoenix- Manipulation Magic (MAGNOLIAW1)

Team 4: (On Hold)






Okay! So these are the teams I've created! Some didn't make it, mainly because the magic was already taken before and I'm sorry for that! However there are still slots available I might add another team, Team 4! So I will update this chapter quite a bit when new people fill the slots!  I hope the ones I choosen are in the likeable spots. I can't explain much since it will spoil the story! If you  were chosen and want to change something Private message me! If you want to fill a spot Comment The following:

-Name First & Last

-Character appearance

-Magic you wish to have

-Maybe a short back story


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