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As I run I realize I am pretty far off from my normal path. Releasing a frustrated sigh I look around and don't recognize anything around me. Well this is what I get for going on a run while upset, I don't pay attention.

And now I am going to get killed and eaten by wild animals.

I turn around and start going back the way I came, unsure if this is even the right way. I look at my watch and realize I have about two hours before I have to pick up Ella. Hopefully I make it back in time. While looking at my watch I can hear the faint snap of a twig behind me.

I whip my head around and don't see anything behind me. It must be my imagination, being out in the woods is really starting to creep me out.

A couple seconds later I hear another twig snap and someone mumble under their breath. When I turn around there is a shirtless man behind me with two slightly smaller men behind him.

They resembled body builders, or they are guys who must spend every waking minute in the gym. I scream and jump back clutching my hand over my heart.

"Dude you just scared the crap out of me!" I screamed. Trying to make the situation less awkward than meeting three strangers, in the woods, without their shirts on. 

I look up and the biggest has dirty blond hair with the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. He is slightly tanned at I'm guessing around 6'6". His hair looks a little ruffled like if he ran his hands through his hair, but if you ask me it looks pretty sexy.

Of the two guys behind him, one is taller than the other with chestnut brown hair and blue eyes. The other can't be more than an inch or so shorter than the first two with dirty blond hair like the first guy and brown eyes.

"Sorry darling, I didn't mean to." The first guy smirks while talking. Oh my gosh that smirk could make anybody swoon.

"U-Uh its f-fine. Do you know how to get back to the main road by any chance? I got lost, not really sure which way to head..." I trail off realizing I just gave them the perfect reason to kill me and nobody would know where to find me. Damnit why did I forget my phone.

"I do but I don't believe you will need to be going back, I would prefer if you came with me." The first guy grins while speaking. For some reason I am not alarmed as I should be, even though he basically admitted to wanting me to go home with him, by choice or not, I'm not too sure.

"And why the hell would I do that?" I ask crossing my arms. Damn him if he thinks he can kill me that easy, he has another thing coming. I didn't take self defense classes for nothing. He makes a sound resembling a growl before speaking through his clenched teeth.

"Because I said so, you are mine." I scoffed at that. He met me two minutes ago, he is crazy!

"Are.. you.. on drugs?" I ask while clutching my stomach laughing. I mean I should be scared but I have a gut feeling that they aren't going to kill me. False sense of security to protect my sanity I suppose.

He makes another noise resembling a growl. When I look up he has his fists clenched and is staring at me, his blue eyes looking like they are getting a swirl of black to them.

"Dude you should really get your throat checked, there is definitely something wrong there." I chuckle a little bit, which he does not seem to appreciate "Well...anyways as much fun as this has been, I have to be going to meet someone." I don't feel the need to add it's picking up my two year old sister from daycare, but I don't think I should tell them it's someone who won't be able to call for help if I don't show up right on time.

The first guy starts shaking before he seems to take a deep breathe trying to calm himself down, he walks forward and even when I try to turn and run, he instantly has his arms wrapped around my waist as he buries his head in my neck. I feel little shivers run through my body where he touches me but I don't allow them to distract me. Since I am a little over a foot shorter at 5'2" he bends his body down considerably

Not even a second later I bring my right foot up and slam it down on his bare foot, and when he lifts his head up the slightest bit in reaction, I head butt him before taking his fingers on one hand and bending them as far back as I can causing him to let his grip around me loosen enough from the pain for me to drop to the ground out of his grip and slide backwards between his legs on my butt and stand back up. I faintly register him muttering swears under his breathe while trying to grab me.

My genius plan is ruined when I turn around to run only to come face to face with the other two guys.

"Shit," I mutter under my breathe and break a run to the left. I have no idea where to go but it needs to be very far away from them.

I don't even make it 20 feet before a pair of hands grabs onto each of my arms. I grab onto the blondes arms and he gets a confused look before I quickly use him to hold my weight as I jump and kick up my feet to connect with the brunette's face. He releases my arm stumbling back holding his face. I then quickly spin the blond's arm around behind his back and pin him to a tree, coming close to dislocating his shoulder in the process.

I kick his knees out from under him and he make an 'oomph' sound before falling to the ground. Not wasting time I try running again only to be grabbed around my shoulders by, low and behold, the first guy has decided to stop withering in pain.

"Stop," his voice firmly commands, but I don't listen. I move my arms up to grab his arms trying to get out but he anticipates my move and quickly traps both of my arms bent upward under his while he is still holding my shoulders.

"Stop it!" he says louder at me, while I'm still trying to find a way out.

"Damn it," I mutter exhausted.

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