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Sorry for the delay, I have been busy the past couple of weeks. I am working on the next couple of chapters but I finished editing this one! Hope you guys like it!

Around eight pm I realize Ella has fallen asleep in Mia's  arms on the field. I remember Ella screaming yesterday when they picked her up from the daycare place and wonder why she is suddenly best friends with all of them. I am starting to warm up to most of them and I guess Ella is too.

These people are just so overly friendly it is a bit alarming.

You know, aside from the kidnapping part.

Jason and I sat on the steps and were talking about subjects ranging from out favorite types of music and books, to our favorite childhood memories. Most of mine were  from the time before my parents found out about my powers. When I was five is when they started developing and I met Luna. At first I was scared and didn't tell my parents. She assured me I didn't have to, that I could keep it a secret.

Then one day a couple days after my 7th birthday, I was in the house and my mom dropped a plate of cookies she was making and I used my powers to stop the plate and put it back on the counter.

Rookie mistake, but I was seven.

Then when my dad came back home from golfing with his buddies, she told him what had happened; they asked to see what else I could do and how it happened. I was a little nervous but they assured me they weren't mad and I wouldn't be in trouble. The looks my parents gave me that day ranged from disbelief and confusion, to being scared. Once they accepted it they sat down and  had a talk with me about using them responsibly and never harming others. As well as the talk about keeping them hidden from the outside world. They may have come to accept it, but they warned me that not everybody else would be accepting. Others could try to hurt me or lock me up so I would never hurt anyone else.

Luna had already talked to me about all of this but I suppose it made my parents feel better to talk it all out and make sure that I knew the risks, so I just nodded through the talk and let them talk while processing this. My parents may have taken a step back from me after that day. They never intentionally avoided me and I know they loved me, but I think these powers may have intimidated them. I still had the normal childhood of birthdays and family outings and events. But there was always that elephant in the room where they knew what I could do and so did I, but nobody ever talked about it. It was never spoken of again after the day I told them everything.

Another unspoken rule was I never openly used them in front of my parents. My mom said it stressed her out when I used them for simple things around the house.

"So you are telling me the only thing you listen to is country music?" I asked seriously.

"I swear it," he said while holding his hand up.

"Wow I thought I was the only one around here who listened to only country," I said in disbelief, "A lot of people say that the songs I listen to are too sad," I say with a chuckle.

"Well are they sad? There is plenty of country that isn't slow or ballads, why chose those?" he asks.

"It's not because I'm sad or anything. I just feel like they are more often about something important, you know? They are more than just drinking or meeting a girl for the first time. They can represent different parts of life with actual emotion and they get to me. A lot of the more upbeat country music is the music I like to listen to when I am doing something like running or dancing, things like that. It's background noise I can sing along to. Ballads just make me feel different," I pause and take a breath, "Sorry that got very deep very quickly," I say with a chuckle.

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