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"Well, I have to go pick up Ella from daycare," I mumble quietly, hoping he didn't hear.

"Wh-what? You have a daughter?" he asks dumbfounded.

"No! No! I don't, Ella is my sister!"

"Oh," he says somewhat relieved, then gets confused all over again. I know where this is going. "Well where are your parents? At work?" I just stare at him focusing on pushing the tears back. They died a year ago. On this very day to be exact, July 21st.

This is why I was so upset, I dropped Ella off at daycare so I could run and work it off so I didn't upset her. I mean she is only two, she doesn't understand.

"They aren't around" I mumble, looking to the side.

"Oh well I'm sorry they didn't stick around," he says as if they left of their own will. Ever since I got my abilities at seven, they kind of did go a little nutty and become 'free spirits' or whatever you call them losing their minds. But they would never leave for more than a week and it was mainly traveling and doing whatever else they did with their time.

After I got my abilities, they really didn't know how to react or what to do. They believed God had gifted me and became very, spiritual, you could call it. They also liked to relax using certain drugs, but I don't blame them. There is no explanation to why I got my power besides the dream I had talking to a woman.

Growing up I had a very, loose, household. There wasn't much they would say no to and they were quite wealthy from their jobs and inheritances and what not, so money was never an issue. It still isn't since everything was left to me and Ella in their will.

"So how about I send friends of mine, Mia and Zoe, to go pick her up? She can come back to the house and hang out with us," he suggests like it's no big deal to have strangers pick up  two year old.

"I have to be the one to pick her up. It's a deal with the daycare, no strangers unless there is a note or a call. And I don't know your friends and from how crazy you are, they could just kidnap her too and then I would never see her, no way" I finish realizing I probably told him too much already.

"Ugh okay here is what is going to happen, either you agree or we don't go get her at all and she stays at daycare for the rest of her life, got it?" he says raising and eyebrow, to which I just nod realizing he is being dead serious.

"We are going to go back to the house. You are going to write a note for the girls to be able to pick up Ella. We will ride to the daycare with them but you must stay in the car while they go and get her. If you so much as signal anyone or yell out anything, or even THINK about jumping out of the car and running, you and Ella will be separated at the house and you will not be able to see her for a long time, got it?" he finishes raising that damn eyebrow again. I'm about to tape it down. I nod my head and he continues to lead us back to his house.

How will I get away once he has Ella? It will make the process so much harder, but I have to. I can't have Ella in danger. He said he won't hurt me. But I have no idea why he is taking me in the first place.

We break out of the woods into yard with toys and everything everywhere. I look up and I see his house, no his mansion is a better description.

"Holy shit..." I mutter. How rich is this guy?!

I hear a chuckle to see Jason and his two friends laughing at me staring in awe. I quickly shut my mouth and continue walking with them. The entire walk his two friends were silently following behind us. Probably incase I decided to book it.

We walked through the front door and I see a clock on the wall that says its 2:30.

"When do we need to go pick up your sister?" he asks.

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