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HI I'm sorry it has been so long! I have a new update and also an announcement. After thinking about it, I think I am going to change the name of the book to Powerful. I'm sorry if this confuses anyone but I think I like it better! Also I am going to need a new cover for the book if anyone has any ideas or wants to message me about it! I hope you like the chapter!!

I wait a couple of seconds before grabbing the plate that had the fruit and snacks on and wash it off and put it away. I decided to see if Ella is still sleeping because it's been an hour or so.

When I get to our room I see her sitting up in her crib just looking around.

"Hi pretty girl, did you have a nice nap?" I ask while picking her up.

She smiles up at me and tries to talk, though she doesn't always make correct sentences yet.

"Can we play?" she asks. I put her down on the floor and sit near her toys.

"Yeah sure what do you wanna play with?" I start picking up her toys and handing them to her. She throws them on the ground and bolts towards the door.

"Do you wanna go outside?" I ask while following her. She only makes a small squeal and heads towards the stairs.

"Woah there lets slow down." I grab her hand and guide her down the stairs while walking backwards, to catch her in case she falls. It takes a long time until we get to the bottom floor, especially because she wont let me pick her up. Once there I walk out the front door but strangely don't see anyone there. Yesterday there were people everywhere, now I can't see a single soul in sight.

I look around while Ella walks around the front yard in the grass. To my right coming from the town it looks like a big dog is walking down the street. As it gets closer I can see it looks somewhat sick and is foaming at the mouth. It starts to sniff and looks up when it smells us. Its eyes are dark red and it growls a little and picks up its pace. I quickly pick up Ella and when I turn it is significantly bigger and closer and now that it isn't in the distance I realize this thing is closer to the size of a bear than a wolf. Its shoulder would come to the top of my head standing straight up.

Not wasting any time I take Ella and face the house, but she has wandered so far into the yard that the dense forest is closer than the house and if I try to reach the house the wolf could possibly beat me there and I would be running towards it and not away from it.

Without another though I turn and head for the woods. I have a better fighting chance with some cover and my abilities if need be.

I can hear the thumping of paws after me and I pick up the pace as much as I can. Ella is starting to cry in my arms and my panic increases.

We only make it to about fifty feet into the woods when I realize the wolf is gaining on us. I can now hear its heavy breathing and the thumping of its paws are louder. I take a sharp turn to the right dodging trees before I quickly stop, put Ella down behind a thick tree.

"Stay here Ella, hide and seek okay? Stay here." She just looks at me and sits down against the tree.

"Good," I say and stand up and run around the tree. I look at the wolf approaching us now in between the trees. I see Ella out of the corner of my eye trying to peak around to what I am looking at.

"No Ella hide!" I quickly say. I see her head disappear but I can hear her start to cry.

I look around and notice another huge tree about ten feet from where the wolf is approaching. I quickly run to the other side and brace myself. In one quick swing I put all of my power behind a punch straight into the side of the wolf. It sends him flying in the air and straight into the tree when I hear a crack and the wolf goes limp at the base of the tree.

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