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After unpacking both Ella's and my clothing and belongings, our room feels a little more like ours, even though I would like to decorate at some point. I decide to wait on even thinking about that until I know this is permanent and when I feel like Ella and I should separate and get different rooms, which could be another year or so.

Maybe earlier if Jason and I start dating, I say to myself before I start smiling and shake the thought. I am sure we could go on a couple of dates, but I am not sure how interested he is in me, like I am with him. 

I have never felt so comfortable around a complete stranger before, and never have I felt so attracted to one either, but I have to keep that to myself. I don't need to be falling for the guy who runs the town, only for it to end badly and then I can no longer stay here. I am actually starting to get quite comfortable and feel like I belong, I would hate to have to leave.

I lay down on the bed and pull my phone off of the nightstand where I left it last night. With no one really but me and Ella, I constantly forget that I have it. I only have one message from Linda, who runs the daycare, asking why Ella hasn't been there the last couple of days. I quickly send a message back apologizing for not texting her, but saying for the time being that I will not longer need to bring Ella to daycare, but if anything should change, I will give her a call.

I put the phone down on the bed and stare at the ceiling for a minute before I hear it softly vibrate. I pick it up quick, knowing Ella probably won't wake from it, but not wanting to take the chance. 

How was the park?

I stare at the phone confused, not knowing who this is. Right as I am about to type a reply, another text comes through.

This is Jason

I quickly smile and shake my head before typing a reply.

I am assuming you got my number when you took my phone?

I wait a second before I get another text

Sorry if that's creepy, but I wanted to be able to talk to you if you decided to leave. I was going to ask for a date either way :)

I blush down at the phone before typing back

Wow, so confident, and what if I had said no?

Teasing him couldn't hurt, right? I get a reply in seconds

Persistance is one of my best qualities. Besides, you think I'm cute

I laugh quietly before replying.

The park was fun, Ella is sleeping now, thanks for the monitor by the way

I send the message and get up, hearing Ella start to stir. It's been almost two hours, which is usually about how long she sleeps. I hear my phone buzz as I pick her up. Looking down at the screen, I blush at his next message. 

changing the subject? it's okay, i know and in any case, you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on. But i'll save the sweet talk for our date tonight, enjoy your day😘


After I get Ella up, we go down to find Connie and ask where the daycare is. She gave me directions, mentioning she had some work to do, but that she would talk to Tracey, the lady who runs the daycare, so she would be expecting me.

A half an hour later Ella and I arrive at the daycare. It has "Bluemoon Daycare" written above the door in colorful letters.

When the door opens, a lady probably in her thirties looks up from where she is talking to a teenager holding one of the smaller babies. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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