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When I wake in the morning, it takes me a couple of moments to realize I am not alone. I can hear faint breathing behind me, along with someones arm around me with their hand on the mattress. I realize I must have fallen asleep in Jason's room last night. This was easily the best night of sleep I've gotten in weeks and I was not complaining about it. 

Although I dreaded how awkward this could get when he wakes up and realizes I never left. It was one thing to hang out and talk, but I've basically slept over before we even went on a date.

I try to turn my head to make sure he is still sleeping, but he must have felt my movement because I can hear him stir behind me, before his very large hand presses against my stomach and pulls me closer to him. Now with his chest completely pressed against my back, I can feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. I sit for a second, thinking about how to get up without waking him up, when I realize I really wish I didn't have to. Despite how awkward this could be, I actually feel really comfortable in his arms, and we fit together perfectly in the position we are in. 

"Good morning," I hear Jason whisper sleepily in my ear. I jump slightly, not realizing he was awake.

"Good morning," I say back quietly. "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep here last night," I say while trying to get up. His grip tightens before I can though, and I am back pressed against him.

"I don't mind." I can tell he is probably smiling right now. "Besides, this is very comfortable." I can feel him slightly lower his head to my neck and breathe in a little, before kissing right under my ear. A slight shiver runs downs me at how much his kiss affected me, while I completely ignore the fact that he just sniffed me. 

I don't really know what else to say to that, so I just adjust a little, getting comfortable in his arms. I can tell it is still very early, because the sun is barely out, so I decide to not question it for now and just relax. 

I am so close to falling asleep again when I remember Ella is not in this room, but across the hall.

"Ella!" I say while jumping out of the bed, catching Jason by surprise as he jerks into a sitting position. I run out the door and across the hall. When I open the door quickly, I see her sleeping in her crib, looking completely at peace and relaxed. I breathe out quickly, not really knowing why I jumped so high in the first place. 

"She's still asleep," James says quickly as he comes in rubbing his eyes and walking over to me. I glance over my shoulder to talk to him when I noticed he is completely shirtless. Any reply I had dies in my throat as I once again appreciate how good he looks. I nod quickly and look back to Ella in the crib. 

"Seriously, we can get one of those baby monitors, I am sure we have one in the house," Jason says as he keeps walking over to me, putting his hands on either side of the crib around me, and resting his chin on my shoulder. 

"Uh-yeah, sounds good," I say a little caught off guard by his affection. He asked me on a date, and we talked a lot last night, for hours really, but I know I should feel uncomfortable with how much he touches me. Despite knowing it's a little odd, I actually enjoy it.

But it still makes me nervous every time he does it.

"Wait, I won't be staying with you anyways," I say taking a step away and rubbing my eyes, realizing how early it really still is. I look over at the clock and notice it says 6:23 am. "I apologize again, I didn't mean to crash in your room," I say while looking back to Jason's face. He seems to want to say something, but just nods his head instead.

"Do you have any plans today?" he asks.

"I wasn't really sure. Maybe talk Ella outside to walk and play around in the back yard, or a park if there is one near by?" I end in a question.

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