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Right after we shake hands I ask Jason if he has a gym anywhere so I can practice a few things.

He directs me down stairs on the ground level and into a state of the art gym. I'm holding Ella and once I get into the room I put her down to crawl around. She walks too, but she is still half awake from her nap.

I turn and see Jason still in the doorway,

"You can go now, wouldn't want you seeing all my moves before the fight" I smirk at the end. He won't even know what hit him tomorrow, I am definitely winning this.

"Okay well I have someone standing outside of this room so you don't leave. I have some things I have to take care of, I will be back in an hour." I just nod my head and watch as he leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

I walk over to one of the punching bags trying to use one of my abilities, although I have a couple.

I can create a protective bubble around myself. It protects me and anyone in it from literally anything. Nothing can get through. That one I have only used a select few times, and I prefer not to use it.

The other one being I can move things with my mind. I can either force it out of my limbs when I move, one time I even got to jump like ten feet, or I don't need my hands at all and can look at things.

I only practice them every couple of weeks and thats only to keep them under control. Although I was told they were a gift, I still don't want to risk it.

I punch the punching bag and as my fist connects with it, I put a little bit of my power into the punch to make it move more than it would have on a normal punch. I do this a couple more times and each time I put a little more power into the punch and move the punching bag a little more each time.

After about fifteen minutes I look over to see Ella just sitting about ten feet away just watching me. She smiles and laughs when she sees me, waving her arms around.

I chuckle and turn back to the punching bag. I try the same thing using kicks, elbows and even when kneeing it. You never know when the extra force will be helpful, especially because Jason is such a big beefy guy.

His muscles are just so big and he has a perfect eight pack.

I shake my head. I will not like Jason. He is attractive, anyone can see that, but I will not start to soften up or like him.

After 45 minutes I go to sit with Ella. I use my power and move her bear around in front of her while she giggles. I could probably use my hands but this is one of the small ways I practice my power while not using against anyone or to hurt anything.

I put the bear down ten minute later and just watch Ella as she stands up and lifts the bear up and starts making it dance like I just was. I chuckle as I watch her and she turns her head towards the doorway and starts running off. I watch prepared to use my power to catch her if she falls.

But when I look over to the door I see Jason there leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. Did he see what I just did with the bear?! His face is relaxed and he is just watching Ella as she runs towards him, a hint of a smile on his face. I am guessing he didn't see anything he wasn't supposed to.

"Hey I just got done, it's getting late, we should head upstairs," he says while looking up at me.

Ella is now standing right in front of him looking way up at him. I'm surprised she even got that close, she doesn't like strangers.

I watch her as I get up and the next thing I know she lets out a childish little scream and throws herself at Jason's legs. She is holding onto his left leg and giggling.

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