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After driving for about twenty minutes, we finally reach the day care. We are only 10 or so minutes late, but the teachers know me and how I am raising my sister alone. So they don't usually put up a fuss about a couple minutes. Besides, Jason suggested to write that I was having car troubled and I was getting it fixed, thats why my friends were coming.

I guess it should be believable enough. Mia and Zoe have already headed in, and I can't wait for them to get back so I can have Ella close to me. Having her alone with them, even though they seem nice, is freaking me out.

Now that I am in town I have to figure out a way to signal somebody, anybody, until we are taken back into their mansion in the woods and nobody ever finds us again.

"Hey Jason?" I turn and look at him. I decide to try and get on his good side so I scoot slightly closer to him while looking up into his eyes.

"Yes?" he asks scooting a little closer to me now that he sees I am no longer visibly upset.

"Do you think we could stop by my apartment? I need to get things for Ella. She has clothes and food that she likes and she is allergic to peanut butter and she has asthma so I have to go get her medicine and epi pen incase she ever needs it. It would be helpful if I could grab some of my clothes too. Considering I don't know how long either of us will be staying with you guys." I think I am rather smart for saying 'staying with you' instead of 'being kidnapped by you'. It makes it seem less harsh considering he said he wasn't kidnapping me to hurt me or anything.

"Ugh I don't know Gabi. How do I know you won't run while you are in there? Or call someone on your phone?" he pointedly looks at me. I did consider doing both of those but I am really just trying to stall going back to the house and if an opportunity presents itself, I will be jumping right on it.

"You could come in with me?" I suggest. As soon as the words are out of my mouth I regret them, but it's too late now.

He thinks this over for a minute before agreeing. I look over and see the girls walking out with a crying Ella. She really doesn't like other people.

Mia opens the back door and hands me Ella and as soon as she see me she reaches out and hugs me around my neck in a tight grip.

"Hey El, shh sh calm down its okay Bee is here." I rub her back and soothe her. Her crying has come to a dull sniffling and I can feel her start to fall asleep and sag in my arms.

I look over and all three of them are staring at me with small grins on their faces. Mia and Zoe looks like relief and Jason with admiration.

"What? Did she snot on me?" I question quietly while still rubbing Ella's back.

"No no its not that," Zoe says while pausing, "you're just really good with her."

"It's nothing special, Ella just doesn't like other people really, I'm the only family she has so she gets clingy to me, understandable for a 2 year old" I shrug it off not understanding the big deal.

Jason tells the girls we are going to my apartment and they drive while I give them the directions, all of us being quiet so we don't wake Ella.

We pull into the parking lot and I look up at my apartment building wondering how this will work. If I move Ella she will wake up and freak out if I'm not here. I did not figure this into the plan. I mean I knew she would be with me but I didn't really think this far ahead.

I look over at Jason to see him getting out of the truck. He walks over to my side, rather quickly, I might add, and opens my door for me.

"Do you want to leave her in the car?" he asks.

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