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As I look around I see myself in a familiar meadow. I look to my right and see the familiar water fall leading into a small stream. I look around waiting for the woman to show up. After a minute or two I decide to go let my feet dangle in the water.

Might as well enjoy it while I'm here.

I sit on the edge of the bank and stick my feet into the water and I can feel the rushing water on my legs, but I can't feel the cold. Perks of being in a dream I suppose.

I watch the water fall and minutes later I can feel a presence beside me.

"It's been a long time Luna," I say quietly, still staring at the water fall. Watching the water is peaceful.

"You haven't needed me for a long time, Gabi," she replies back.

After I got my powers, was a day after my first dream with Luna. She told me in my dream I would be getting gifts and explained what to expect. For a week or so she visited me in my dreams and told me to try them, away from people, and that way I could tell if she was lying or not. I mean I was five at the time so why not.

The next dream after I tried out my powers, I came back with tons of questions to which I remember getting vague answers. All she would say is that they were for the future and I would need them. She said they were a gift, not a curse, to use when I felt necessary. Since they were her gift, I could use them whenever, they would not get out of control when I became upset. But if I didn't practice, they would be hard to use and I could use too much force or not enough when I actually did use them.

"My child, there is something I need to talk to you about." I turned to face her to see her calm expression is slightly worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I need to talk to you about Jason," she said. She turned to look at me, "I know you plan on using your powers tomorrow to win your fight, but I urge you not to," she looks at me almost trying to convince me with her eyes not to do it.

"Why not? He basically kidnapped me and my sister! And now I am supposed to lose so I can stay with him even longer?" I look at her confused, "Why would I do that?"

"I cannot tell you all the answers, and of course you can do what you would like, I would never take away your gift or your free will. But I can tell you there are reasons for everything Jason has done. And if I knew he meant you or your sister harm I would be telling you to leave right now." She reaches her hand out and strokes my cheek with a motherly touch.

"Darling believe it or not I care very deeply about you and Jason. And I'm telling you I believe he will not hurt you. If you were to stay, your life would change dramatically, in a positive way. There will be hard times and scary times but they are worth fighting through for what you could achieve. Ever since the accident you have not been living. You have been raising Ella and always worrying about Ella. Jason could bring so much happiness to your life, you just don't see it yet. You have to give it a chance, give Jason a chance." Her hand leaves my face and I can feel everything slipping away, I know the dream is ending but there are so many more questions I have!

"Wai-" I sit up breathing heavy. Why does it seem like she wanted me to stay with Jason. 

Even she wanted me to be with Jason. He mentioned it before, but I honestly forgot about it, my main focus was getting out of here. 

 I look around to see I am in the same room as when I fell asleep but I don't see Jason or Ella anywhere. I rush out of the room panicked. I go to try and find my way out of the house when I get lost and come up at dead ends multiple times, why is this house so big?!

I pass by some people who look at me weirdly but thats when I notice almost every person is at least taller than the average person. I mean I know I am pretty short but seriously I think the person closest to my height was a girl about 14. I am walking down another hallway when I see a girl I recognized from yesterday, Megan..Mila..Mia!

She looks at me confused as I rush up to her.

"Oh finally! I have no idea where to go in this dang house! It's too big! Do you think you could help me find Jason? He has my sister I think and I have no idea where he is!" I rush out all in one breath.

"Yeah just calm down Gabi. Its around 10 so he should be in his office about now."

10? I usually wake up around six with Ella.

We walk back down the hallway I came and to another set of stairs and we repeat this until we are on the ground floor. We head down a familiar hallways and I see the door to Jason's office. I walk in without a second thought and stare at the scene before me.

Jason is sitting in his huge desk chair with Ella silently playing on his lap with one of her light up squishy block toys.

When I walk in Ella looks up and squeals at me throwing the block onto Jason's desk right onto the file he was writing on. He looks down at Ella with a smile on his face and gives her back the block, then looks up noticing me in the doorway.

"Hey I'm glad you are up sleeping beauty." He chuckles and leans back into his chair.

"Uh yeah I woke up and you guys were gone, Mia told me where to find you" I turn around and notice Mia is gone, she probably left when I opened the door.

I turn back around and Ella chewing on her block while look from me to Jason. She tries to wiggle off his lap and when he notices he lifts her up and puts her on the ground. She runs over to me and stumbles a little bit right before I catch her. I swing her up and laugh a little bit at how happy she seems.

"Yeah Ella woke up around six this morning and you were still asleep, so I took her to get some breakfast and she has just been playing in here ever since while I got some work done" I look from her to him. I cannot believe she is so comfortable around him, its so odd.

"Uh thanks," I mumble not sure what else to say.

"No problem at all," he smiles, "would you like to get some breakfast?" I nod my head and he closes the file on his desk before getting up and walking out the door with me trailing behind holding Ella who has taken a fascination to playing with my hair.

I put her down when we get into the kitchen and she just sits and goes back to chewing on her little block.

"What would you like? I can make almost anything" he chuckles while looking in the fridge. My dream from last night pops into my mind and I remember the fight we are supposed to have today and how Luna wants me to not use my powers and lose.

I think about it while Jason makes me eggs with toast.

If I win I could leave and go back to my boring life with my sister and going to school. The thought of that makes me wince as I realize I would never see Jason or anybody here ever again. I don't know why, but that doesn't seem like a good option to me.

Despite his kidnapping tendencies, he seems like a decent guy.

I would definitely miss looking at his gorgeous body every day. I mentally facepalm knowing I have to be thinking rationally, and not about how cute he is.

But I have to go through with the fight because if I choose to stay here after winning Jason will know I don't want to leave him, and I don't want to tell him that.

I sound creepy having feelings for the guy that kidnapped me.

But if I lose then I would have a reason to stay and Jason would think I was doing it because I had to, not because I was feeling these weird feelings for him. And admitting that would be just plain embarrassing.

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