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This story isn't going to go how most of you all probably will want. Obviously I'm not a jerk who is going to kill Gabi or Jason (maybe😏) but seriously the events aren't going to be cliche in the slightest so if that's what you are looking for then just please for the love of everything that is holy, STOP READING IF YOU DONT LKE IT. I DON'T GIVE A SINGLE RATS ASS IF YOU DONT LIKE IT.



P.s. I read some of the comment on silent Luna and here which I haven't done in weeks and I would like to say a huge THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU to those who support the books. Your awesome comments and support are the reason I continued this book after the negative feed back on the ending of Silent Luna.



Gabi POV

"I win" I smirk down looking at Jason. He sits there with a shocked expression on his face and just stares up at me. I am using my power to hold him down with my hands on his shoulders, not that he needs to know that.

"W-what? B-but h-h-how?!" He says all enrage. He is trying to squirm and I let him up before he gets too suspicious.

I get up off of him dusting myself off and he slowly stands up and you see the rage slowly overtake his features.

I walk over and pat his chest.

"Don't worry buddy you didn't have a chance. I've taken too many classes and trained too much." I look up at him while smirking. I remove my hand and turn around to look back at the pack house.

"I mean don't get me wrong, it's so nice here, but now that I can leave-hey! What are you doing you big oaf?!" Mid sentence I am quickly thrown over someone's shoulder who I quickly recognize to be Jason's.

"You are not leaving," he tightly growls out.

"What do you mean?! You said I could! I won fair and square you ass-hat! Put! Me! Down!" I am yelling all of this while swinging my arms and thumping them on his back.

"No." He roughly growls out. I look down and smirk.

I stretch as far as a can, because let's face it Jason's body is large and quite long, and quickly pinch his butt.

"Ow! Hey cut it out!" He says while I do so repeatedly. A couple seconds later he puts me down but keeps a firm arm around my waist. He starts us walking again towards the house and I quickly try to stop and slow down dragging my feet as much as I can.

"WAIT ONE DAMN SECOND." I rip myself out of his hold and spin around to look at him.

He just looks at me and raises his eye brow.

"We had a deal," I ground out.

"I realize," he says with an almost bored expression.

"Then I can leave! You can't keep me here!!" I exclaim while throwing my hands up.

"Well I am not letting you leave. You can go back to your normal life doing your routines here. With me," he says shrugging his shoulders.

"That's not what you agreed to," I growl you. "You agreed we could leave and nobody would try to stop us!" I start to yell getting furious now. He can't keep me here!

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. A whole minute goes by with him taking deep breaths.

"Can you stay for today? Walk around the grounds today. This is actually a nice community to be in and everyone here is like family. Just spend today or even today and tomorrow here if you would like. We can talk about this after dinner or tomorrow morning and if you still want to leave we can talk about it."

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