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We walk out of the apartment building with Jason effortlessly carrying Ella and her big duffel bag, while I roll my two suitcases and carry my backpack and messenger bag. We get to the back of the Hummer and load it all in. Well I try but this thing is tall and my suitcases are those massive ones that no one would EVER actually need for a trip, but I miraculously do. Jason ends up balancing Ella and lifting them all up with his other arm. My annoyance with him and his miraculous muscles is at an all time high.

Jason walks around to the side of the car and opens the door for me. He goes to help me but I shoo him off, I'm not five. After I hoist myself into the car James follows after with a slight chuckle.

"It's not funny, give me back my sister," I snap now annoyed about the stupid car. I mean even the hummer seems a bit taller than a normal hummer would be. What the hell.

He hands me back Ella only got her to fuss a little bit and when I think she is about to wake up she slouches against my chest. Thank God.

A crying Ella is not a fun Ella.

We drive back to their mansion in silence with just the radio on. It's a bit tense considering I have no idea what we are going to do now. So he got what he wanted, I am going home with him and his friends, now what?

We pull up to the house and I shimmy my way to the end of the seat. Jason doesn't ask this time and just picks me up as if I am a feather and places me on the ground. I shot him a glare when I see the grin on his face and he goes to get the bags.

I look up at the house and realize I am never going to get used to the size of it. It's huge.

We again walk into the foyer but instead of going to the direction of his office, Jason leads me up six flights of stairs and we reach what I think is the top floor. He only has two bags, but he should be at least a little winded by now right? I only have Ella and my messenger bag and even I'm struggling a little bit.

He takes a right at the top of the stairs and we pass several doors until he walks into the third door on the right.

"This can be Ella's room. We will be right next door and I can get one of those baby cams or whatever it is you need." He puts her duffel bag down while I am blankly staring at the back of his head. Did he expect me to sleep with him? Is that what he wanted this whole time?!

"Excuse me?!" I all but screamed when he turned around. He looked at me confused.

"Do you not like baby cams...?" he trailed off completely lost. When in the hell did I agree to sleep with him? I refuse. I am still a virgin and my only sexual experience was kissing a guy in truth or dare, and he expect me to just shack up with him because he kidnapped me?! What is this guy on.

I start laughing hysterically, though it may be the effects of going a little crazy from this whole situation, who kidnaps a person to sleep with them? This guy is plenty good looking and I doubt he has trouble getting girls.

"Y-you t-think I am s-sleeping with you!" I say between laughs. I am almost positive I have tears coming out of my eyes at this point.

"Yes? You will be sleeping in my room," he states still confused. I get my breathing under control and I see Ella looking up at me confused and still a little sleepy. I think my laughing woke her up. I walk over to the bed and set her in the middle of it. She sits and I go in the duffel bag and grab her blanket and bear and give them to her while she sits there. I take a calming breath before whirling around to face Jason.

"You have some nerve you know that? It's not enough that you kidnap me and basically force me into you kidnapping my sister too, but now when we are back at your house, you decide to inform me that the reason I am here is so you have somebody to have sex with? Is this a joke?! Seriously where are the damn cameras." I begin shuffling around the room and looking in corners and on the desk thats in the room.

"What? We don't have to have sex! That's not what I meant! Well I mean I hope eventually you won't hate me as much as you do now," he looks at Ella and has this far away look in his eyes with pain etched onto his face, "but yes, I expect you to be sleeping in my room. You really think I was going to leave you all alone for hours on end?" I secretly was hoping for that, but that's not an option I see.

"You can get one thing straight, I'm not sleeping with you. I am sleeping with Ella. First of all she needs a crib or she will fall out if she is by herself. And second of all I am not sleeping with some man that kidnapped me two feet away from me while my sister is alone in the next room." I cross my arms and stare him down.

"That's the wrong answer sweetheart," he says while walking towards me. I take a small step back with my right foot seeing that we are about to go for round two. I have taken lessons in almost every type of martial arts and self defense in the area, I should be able to take this guy down.

He comes towards me and grabs my right arm, he is caught off guard when I swing my left hand and smack his forearm away while jumping in the air and kicking him in the middle of the chest. I land and see that he took a couple steps back. That kick would have knocked anybody over had they not been as big and dense as this guy.

When he comes towards me again he is quicker and wraps an arm around my shoulders and spins me around so my back is against his front and his left arm holds onto my left wrist.

"You should stop now princess, wouldn't want you to hurt yourself," he whispers in my ear.

"In your dreams." I use my right elbow and shift my weight quickly to the left as I elbow as hard as I can back into stomach. It doesn't effect his as much as I would have liked it to as my elbow begins to hurt a little and I know there will be a bruise later. It makes him shift his focus just the slightest so that his grip on my left arm and around my shoulder loosens so I can quickly spinning out of his arms and face him again my arms up and ready.

When I turn around I see Liam in the doorway with his arms crossed looking at us.

"Seriously?! Your friend is up here on the chance that I do beat you I can't even get away anyway! Are you kidding me?" I feel my rage bubble over this whole situation. This is ridiculous! Why does he even have me here?! I never did anything to him!

"He is here to help set up the crib that Noah is currently picking up with Zoe. And you couldn't beat me anyway, although I am impressed with how much fight you have for a little thing," he chuckles a little.

I huff out annoyed. I have to figure out a way to get out of here. I suddenly get an idea while glancing back at Jason.

"I have a proposition for you," I grin mischievously.

"What?" he asks skeptically

"A fight. Tomorrow. If I win, I get to leave with my sister and nobody stops us or follows us. You leave us alone and I can go back to my life."

"And if I win," he pauses "you give me two months. I get two months to make you like me. We go on dates and if by the end of the two months you still hate my guts, you can leave." I think about it, there is no way anything he could say would make me hate him less. He took my and my sister away from our lives against my will.

"Deal" I said smirking.

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