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"Uh wait what?" I say confused. I sound like a babbling idiot.

"You don't have to, and nothing about you living here will change based on your answer. But I meant what I said earlier. I knew I had to meet you and get to know you when I saw you. I would like to take you on dates. This is what I should have done when I met you, but I was being an idiot. If you don't want to I understand, but I couldn't go to bed without trying," he says while looking at me seriously.

Leaning against the counter I just sit there in silence for a second or two.

"Okay," I say. With that I push off the counter and begin to walk out of the kitchen. When I go to walk past him he gently grabs onto my arm.

"Wait was that a yes? You will go out on a date with me?" he says with a smile.

"Yes Jason I will go on a date with you, but only because you asked like a decent human being and didn't try to kidnap me and throw me over your shoulder to go out," I say with a snicker.

"Okay great! Wait, I am really sorry about that. I know I shouldn't have and I feel bad and I hope you can let me start with a clean slate on this date."

"I'll think about it" I say with a wink. I then walk out the door and back to my room while I am still keeping my calm facade. That all breaks when I am in my room. I start grinning like an idiot the whole time I get ready for bed and I feel giddy about this date.

With that I check on Ella before getting in bed myself and falling asleep with a grin on my face.


The next morning I wake up to the sun shinning in my face. I remember the conversation between Jason and I. We are actually going on a date. I smile a little at the thought. Maybe he isn't such a bad guy. I mean he did kind of force me to his home and worked his hardest to convince me to stay but maybe that was all a misunderstanding.

I don't know how kidnapping can be a misunderstanding but I am giving him the  benefit of the doubt right now. I look over at the clock and realize it is 9 am right now. I am surprised Ella didn't cry or wake me up.

I slowly get up and stretch before walking over to Ella's crib only to see it empty.

I panic slightly and run out into the hallway. I see Jason's door across the hall open and I run into it.

"Jason! Ella is-"

I stop short when I realize Ella is on the floor with Jason next to his bed and her toys around her. He looks up at me and I can see his eyes  roam down my body before a smirk appears on his face.

"She's fine and right here, your door was cracked and I could hear her start to get a little fussy this morning so I took her to get some breakfast and then we came in here to hang out until you woke up." He looks down at Ella who has stood up and is making her way to me slowly.

When I bend down to pick her up, I see what I am wearing and realize I am in my tiny silk pajama shorts with a tank top. I can feel my face slowly heating up and pick up Ella.

"W-well I am uh-just going to get Ella into clothes for the day. I-uh I'll see you later," and with that brilliant speech I quickly make my way out the door and back into mine and Ella's room. I shut the door and lean my back against it while taking a deep breath.

"Oh my Ella what are we going to do with that man." I look down at her and she just giggles and smiles before reaching her hand up and tugging at my hair.

"Ow," I mutter under my breath. I push off the door and go to get my clothes and Ella's clothes. After showering and giving Ella a bath we are both dressed and ready for the day. Since it is supposed to get into the low 90's today we are both wearing shorts and tank tops. Since my hair is too short and there is no hope of getting it all up into a pony tail, I just dry it and straighten it and leave it like that. With the humidity there is no telling what it will do by the end of the day so I don't worry about it too much. We then go to leave the room and I notice Jason isn't in his room anymore.

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