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After lunch I tell Jason we will stay for the afternoon and I will make my decision later.

"Okay that's great!" he says while standing up. The guy has a huge smile of his face and is still holding Ella. "Would you like a tour of the pa-uh the grounds?" he says stuttering a bit while still smiling.

"Yeah sure, want me to take Ella?" I ask while holding my arms out. She sticks her tongue out at me and holds onto Jason's shirt. "Or not,"  I mutter.

He laughs and just shakes his head while picking up the plates with Ella in one arm.

"Want me to help?" I suggest while standing up.

"Nah it's fine don't worry about it." he picks up the plates and brings them to the sink. "So where do you want to go first?" He turns and looks at me excitedly.

This is going to be a long afternoon.


Four hours later we make it back to the 'community house' as he described it. A lot of different people live here: older couples whose kids have grown up, teenagers that want to live on their own or have no family. He also said the upper floors were reserved for the people that run this 'community'. Throughout the tour Jason was being really cryptic and stuttering over the names of the buildings and fields.

Basically this 'community' is like a tiny town in the middle of the woods. They have streets and shops and even their own hospital. There are smaller schools and daycares for only the people in the community. Jason even said Ella could attend daycare if I wanted her to. They do go to other towns when they need supplies, and the shops and diners get their supplies from big companies outside of their community.

Jason said they don't seclude themselves from the rest of the world but everyone in his community all have things in common as to why they are here. They prefer to be separate from the general world. I got yet again another cryptic answer when I asked why they were different, but I let it slide.

It's true when I said his community. As in his family has been the leaders of this community for generations now. Probably why he lives on the sixth floor away from everyone else. The entire sixth floor is reserved for him and his family. The fifth is for all of his 'advisors' as he called them or the people that are in charge with him to run the community.

When I asked if it was a cult, that kidnaps people to get members, he laughed very loudly before realizing I was serious. He had to assure me several times that it was not a cult.

Another fun fact, they are a security business. They provided security for many important people that are famous or in politics. It probably helps that almost everyone we passed was either jacked or extremely toned and fit. Seriously I didn't see a single person even close to overweight. They all could probably kill me in five seconds flat.

That being said, every person we came across was also very friendly. They would stare from Jason to me and wouldn't speak for a second before shaking their head with a smile and shaking my hand. A few of them almost messed up Jason's name before correcting themselves. Some leader he is if they don't even remember his name.

The whole time we were on this walk I could feel Jason's stare on me everywhere we went. I would sneak glances at him but whenever I looked over he would be staring at something else.

Ella loved walking around. She ran around the fields and parks we came across  and was very friendly. She didn't go near everybody but when they were introduced she would smile or wave. After the second hour she began to get tired and went to Jason so he would pick her up. The last half of the afternoon she was napping while Jason was carrying her around. She looked so comfortable and I wished somebody would carry me after all that walking. I was exhausted.

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