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So I decided to write today and I'm not really sure why, I can't guarantee I will be constant with updating this book but I will do my very best, I hope y'all like it😘

After I finish eating, Jason and I start talking about today.

"So you still want to do this sweetheart?" he asks me with a smirk.

"Yeah, just let me go change. Is anybody watching this so you can't cheat or..?" I ask while putting my dishes in the sink.

"Sweetheart I won't have to cheat" he says while smirking. If only he knew how my heart races a little more at the nickname.

"Yeah yeah whatever" I turn around and face him. "Well I am going to get dressed, I'll change Ella too. Where are we doing this?" I ask while walking over to Ella and picking her up.

"The back yard probably. I'll go and tell Noah, Liam, Logan, Mia, Zoe, and Lily" he goes and walks out of the room.

I walk up the six flights of stairs and go to the room we stayed in. I quickly change into capri leggings and a blue V neck t-shirt. I get Ella into a cute pink dress and throw both her and my hair up into a pony tail.

She doesn't really have a lot of hair but its enough that she will get food and other things in it throughout the day if it is not pulled back somehow.

I walk back downstairs with her on my hip and her toy in her hands. The house is still a maze, but I make my way back to the kitchen and look through the cabinets to see if there a sippy cup for Ella.

"Can I help you find something?" I whirl around at the sound of a woman's voice.

"Oh yeah sorry I was just looking for a cup for my sister to get her some juice," I say nervously. She looks to be in her mid forties.

It could be me going bonkers again but she seems like a calm person. I don't know why I think this after hearing one sentence but she has that motherly look to her.

I am definitely going crazy.

She walks over to a cabinet I haven't looked in and pulls out a pink cup with a cap, then walks to the fridge and grabs some juice and fills the cup.

"There you go sweetie," she cooes while handing Ella the cup. Ella squeals and takes the cup smiling back at the older woman.

"Thank you," I say looking back to the woman.

"No problem sweetie. Just let me know if you need anything around here," she gives me a warm smile.

"I will, th-"

"Alrighty everyone is gathered, ar- Connie? I see you have met Gabi." Jason's walks in interrupting me mid sentence. He stares back and forth between me and Connie with a totally unreadable expression.

"Oh this is Gabi! How nice to meet you sweetie! I heard about you guys' sparring match this afternoon, who is watching little Ella here?" She asks with her brows pinching together.

"I don't know I thought she would just stay in the yard while it went on." I shrug looking over to Jason.

"Oh I would be happy to play with her out front so she doesn't have to watch the fight if you would like dear! " she offers with a smile.

"That's so sweet of you but she barely likes anyone as it is and I don't want to freak her out with new people-"

"You said the same thing about me and I was playing with her all morning Gab," Jason says with a smirk.

"Well why don't we see if Ella has a problem then," Connie says while reaching her hands out to Ella. "Wanna come play outside Ella?" Ella looks from me to Connie and squeals before leaning to Connie.

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