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OMG it's been so long but I'm finally writing again! I will try to be better about updating this story, but in the mean time here is a longer (ish) chapter than normal! I hope you all like it :)

After Jason and I hugged in the kitchen, Ella made her way slowly over to us and hugged both of our legs. I sniffle a little bit while pulling away and wiping at my face. I am still shaken up, but Ella needs me not to be right now. 

I lean down to pick her up while neither Jason nor I make a move to step away. We are basically standing chest to chest and when Ella looks over at him, she rests her head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me again and we lean on the counter like that, just in comfortable silence. 

"Do you still want food?" Jason asks quietly. 

"Yeah Ella should eat something," I say looking up at him. Our faces are so close that all he would have to do is lean down a couple of inches and he could kiss me. Instead he leans down and places a small kiss on my forehead and Ella's.

"Alright let's see what I can actually make," he says while shifting away. I stand up straight and walk over to the counter, Ella still in my arms, and take a seat. I watch as he moves around the kitchen gracefully, still not convinced that he will be able to cook this time. Thankfully, someone put lasagna in the fridge and he was heating that up in the oven. He sits next to me once it's in the oven, and looks carefully from me to Ella.

"So where did you say you saw the wolves?" he asks. I take a deep breath thinking about the afternoon.

"Well, Ella wanted to go outside, so we were walking around the front yard when the sickly looking one was walking up the road and towards the driveway. It had bright red eyes that I could see from a distance and was foaming at the mouth. It must have been rabid or something," I trail off while looking down at Ella, who was playing with my necklace. "That one started to chase me but we were too far away from the house so I just started running into the opposite direction, which was the woods, and it was chasing me." I finish while clearing my throat. 

Jason stands up and walks around to get me a glass of water before he keeps speaking.

"Was it fast? How did you outrun it? The driveway is right near the woods," he asks with a slightly incredulous tone in his voice. I must sound crazy saying I ran far enough into the woods to get away for a minute. 

"I just must have been closer to the woods," I said quietly.

"But how did you get away?" He seems confused while his eyes are boring into mine. 

"There was another wolf that didn't look sick, I think they started fighting while I ran away," I shrugged absentmindedly. 

Jason looks confused for a second before thinking about his next question.

"And you ran? Nothing happened with the second wolf?" I can't tell if he is believing my story, and I'll be the first to admit it sounds ridiculous. But what was I supposed to tell a man I had met days ago. 'No actually I threw one into a tree and pulled my sister away from the other, all with my magical freaky abilities.' 

He would laugh me right out the door. I hesitate for another second before speaking.

"Yeah they must have, I'm not sure," I say taking another sip of water. "Anyways, I kept running and I thought it was towards the house, but I guess it wasn't, and you found me a couple of hours later. How did you know I was in the woods by the way?" I ask redirecting the attention to him. I am starting to squirm from all the questions and his intense gaze.

He shifts slightly before answering my question, seeming to think about it for a minute as he takes in my last details of the story. 

"Well I came back here after that meeting I forgot about and couldn't find you two. Nobody else had seen you around and I knew you didn't take any of the cars so that only meant you could have wandered off playing with Ella," he simplifies while getting up to check on the lasagna.

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