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How I think Ryder should look like


Flame's POV

We should tell Ryder, that we are his mate. Aiyana says, I feel her nervousness through our link. OK. I say and walk up to him, John and Cassidy. "Where is Helene and Mathew?" John says before I could say something, I feel myself tense up. A million memories flash through my mind, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look up at Cassidy. I choose to speak in French so my pack members and the other pack don't understand "Mère est dans le coma et son père a été enlevé . Je travaille sur l'obtention père de retour si (Mother is in a coma and father has been kidnapped. I'm working on getting father back though)" Cassidy starts crying and I turn to Ryder, I open my mouth to say something but a voice cuts me off. "Flame Mathew Thunderstorm, you better not be drinking!" I know that voice anywhere, I thrust my drink into Ryder's hand and spin around to face my mother. I show her my hands and she narrows her eyes at me.

By now everyone has stopped to watch us, mother opens her mouth to ramble on about god knows what but I speak before her. "Nicole found her mate." I say and everyone stares at Nicole, Great now Ryder and Nicole are glaring at us. Aiyana says, I look at Ryder to see that my drink had spilt on his shirt when I 'carefully' handed him my drink. "What?!?! When?!?!" She yells, I laugh and point at the Beta who's name I learnt to be Hunter. She hugs Nicole and Hunter and she whispers something in their ears making Nicole blush furiously. I grab another drink since Ryder decided to drink mine and jump back onto the stage, I feel my mothers harsh stare on my face. "Here's a toast." I announce and everyone grabs some sort of drink. "To my mothers return and to the packs accomplishment." I take a small sip from my drink and look back out at everyone. "OK, today's a school night so scram." I say with a smile, I earn a couple of chuckles and everyone head their own ways. Ryder's pack returns to their border while his family stays back.

Nicole meeting room now. I order her. "I'll be back." I say to my mother, I walk up the stairs to the meeting room. I stroll into the room to see Ryder there, I look at Nicole for an explanation. "He wanted to know what was going on and he threatened to tell Luna about this meeting. So I had no choice but to bring him along and you obviously won't mind him." I glare at her and she giggles. "OK, Nicole I need you to send a team to the location that Drake mentioned and I want you to lead them. Do you understand?" I command her. "Yes Alpha." She knows how serious I am about my family, she runs out barking orders to the warriors outside, that were waiting for orders. "Seguimi (Follow me)" I say to Ryder, I lead the way to Jason's room. I walk over to Jason's wardrobe and rummage through until I find a shirt that will probably fit him, I chuck the shirt at Ryder and he catches it.

I stop at my bedroom door and take a deep breath. "Sono il tuo compagno (I'm your mate)" I say while unmasking my scent, I shut the door in his face only to have him banging on my door. Jason, want to go nightclubbing? I ask him through our mind link. Hell yeah. He says, I imagine him fist pumping the air. OK meet you there in 5. I continue to ignore the constant banging on my poor door, I change into a black mid thigh dress, black leather jacket with ankle boots. I add a little bit of mascara and some red lipstick to finish the look. I leap out my window with my keys and phone in my pocket, I drive my motorbike to my favourite nightclub called Adonis. I see Jason already there waiting. "I ran cause you know that I'm going to get wasted." Jason says as the bouncer bows his head in respect, we walk in and split up. I never drink till I'm defenseless unless I have a sober friend.

3 hours hour later

I buy another drink for myself, I've had 7 glasses of beer and I'm still sober. Good thing we have high alcohol tolerance. I say to Aiyana. "How many letters are in the alphabet?" A random guy asks me, he must be new in this pack. I smile and answer. "26" He shakes his head. "I thought there was 21." He says. I know this pick up line. Aiyana says, I agree with her. "Umm, no" I say. "Oh I must have forgotten the letters U R A Q T" He says wiggling his eyebrows in suggestion. "Nice try mate but I have had my fair share of pick up lines." I say patting his shoulder in the process, I see Jason sucking face with a blonde bimbo. I pull Jason away from her and drag him to my motorbike, I put on my helmet and help him with his. I start my motorbike and make sure that Jason is safe and won't fall off, I then speed off towards the house.

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