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Flame's POV

I open Layton's bedroom door to see him on the ground crying his heart out, I'm instantly next to my baby boy. I hear shuffling and I look back to see Ryder walking towards Layton, I growl at him but he ignores me and continues walking towards us. Dalton steps in between me and Ryder, Dalton growls and Layton's crying intensifies. I can't handle both. "Dalton, go sit on the couch." I order but Dalton ignores me. What the fuck is up with people ignoring me? "Please." I beg and feel my voice crack, Dalton growls one last time and sits on the couch. I turn back and I look away from Layton's tear stained face, I swear if someone is responsible for this that person is gonna die.

I take a deep breath and look back, Layton whimpers and I refrain myself from punching something. I gently place my hand over Layton's dislocated ankle. "Layton, baby look at me." I say but Layton continues staring at his ankle and whimpering, I growl and Layton looks at me. I imagine his ankle looking normal, I hear Layton whimper and I growl. I do the same with his wrist and he whimpers again making me growl, I pull Layton onto my lap and rest his head on my shoulder. "Shh, it's OK." I coo, Layton's sobbing quiets down and I see Ryder had sat down on the ground next to me, I ignore him and focus on the now sleepy Layton.

"Dalton." Dalton looks at me, waiting to see what I wanted. "Can you please go and get Layton's PJ's?" I ask, Dalton runs into Layton's wardrobe and returns with black zebra striped pyjamas. I take the clothes from Dalton and start changing Layton into his PJ's, I would've left him in his clothes but he was wearing jeans and I didn't want him to be uncomfortable. After a couple of stressful minutes, I manage to change Layton into his PJ's. I look at Dalton and see him slowly dozing off, I walk over to Dlaton and pick his sleeping form. He wiggles around to get comfortable for a bit and then settles down, I sigh and Nate walks over to me.

"Here, I'll put him to bed, you've had a stressful day." Nate says quietly, I nod and gently hand Dalton to him. Nate walks out and I usher everyone out of Layton's room, I bump into a muscular chest and stumble backwards. "Shit, sorry." I look up to see Chris looking at me like I'm fragile. "It's OK, Nate's just putting Dalton to bed." Chris nods and Nate walks out of Dalton's room which was next to Layton's, my room is just across from theirs so if they need something they don't need to roam around the house to look for my room.

Chris and Nate walk off leaving me with Ryder and the others, I sigh and jog downstairs. I walk into the kitchen with everyone behind me, I see Hannah making porridge for Hazel. "Hey Hannah." I say and grab a glass of coke, Hannah turns around and immediately growls at Ryder. She makes a move to pounce on him but I catch her before she can reach him, I hold her shoulders so she can't move. "Hey, you're going to die if you fight him." She continues to struggle against my grip and I sigh, I look at the ceiling. "Nathaniel!!!" I shout and he's next to me in an instant. "Calm your mate." I demand and he kisses her, I roll my eyes and turn around and sit on a stool.

"Jealous?" Nate asks, I hear Ryder growl but I ignore him like he ignored me. "What's there to be jealous of?" I feel bitchy, I wait for Nate to say something about my mate but he doesn't. "Wimp." I mutter and he growls, I laugh and see Ryder walking my way. Oh No. "You are coming with me along with Dalton and Layton." He growls out and grabs my arm in a death grip, I struggle against his grip to get him to let go but he tightens his grip. Nate growls and I finally manage to yank my arm free, I glare at Ryder and he growls at me.

"I am not going anywhere with you and neither are my kids." I emphasise 'my' trying to get my point across to him, Ryder snarls and I hold my head high. He makes a move to grab me again but I move back, I look at my brothers and they look ready to kill Ryder. "The agreement was that Flame comes on her will." Jace growls, I look at him and smile. He obviously had this planned. "I don't give a fuck." I roll my eyes and slip out of the room undetected. Nice one Flame. Jason's voice enters my mind, and I smile. I know right. So does Jace, mum and dad hate Ryder? I ask curiously as I walk upstairs to my room.

Yep, but they said that they will forgive him if you do. Even the pack agreed with that I mentally laugh and enter my room, I close the door and sit on my bed. I sigh which I have been doing a lot lately, I walk into my closet and change into a black crop top with the heading Homies in white and a mid thigh leather skirt with black stilettos. I walk out only to see Ryder sitting on my bed, his eyes darken in lust as he checks me out. He stalks towards me like a predator stalking its prey, my back hits a wall and he sticks his hands on either side of my waist to stop me from going anywhere. He has me trapped under his heated gaze, I squirm around and look anywhere but his eyes because I know that once I look into those hazel orbs of his, I won't be under control of my body and my wolf will take over.

I push his chest but he doesn't budge, I growl in frustration and Ryder smirks in triumph. "Ryder.." Ryder kisses me roughly and I lose all my self control, I melt into his arms and hungrily kiss him back. His tongue swipes my bottom lip and I open my mouth, he lifts me up so that my legs are wrapped tightly around his waist. I feel his erection against my butt, I feel my core heat up in desire, he sits down onto the bed and I straddle him. I grind my core against him and smirk when I hear him groan, he starts kissing my neck and I moan in pleasure.

I snap out of my trance and stand up so fast that it caused Ryder to fall backwards onto the bed, tears prick my eyes and I sprint out of the room and run to where my brothers were probably hanging out because there was no way they could get back safely in the dark. I sniff and stop outside the game room where they were playing and feeling at home, I think against it and turn around to leave but a hand grabs my wrist making me instantly freeze.  I turn around to see Jason standing there, I shake my head and he nods getting the message that I don't want to talk to Jace about it because he has some anger issues.

I tell Jason about what just happened and he looks pissed. "He had no right to take advantage of you when you are so vulnerable." He whisper/shouts, I laugh with no humor. "Go finish your game, I need to do somethings." I point in the direction of the game room, he kisses my forehead and walks back into the room.

I stroll downstairs to where the living room is and drop down onto a couch, I turn the TV on and watch NCIS. I hear the front door open  and close informing me that Nate is back from his meeting at the pack house.

I hear shouting upstairs and I sigh, they seriously can't stay quiet even for a minute. I get up off of ny precious couch and walk upstairs, if Dalton and Layton wake up they are going to be in massive trouble. The shouting gets louder as I near its destination, I see Nate and Ryder looking ready to kill each other.

Dalton and Layton poke their heads out of the door, I look at Layton and see him half asleep. Nate and Ryder start to advance on each other, I let out an exasperated sigh as Dalton and Layton hug my legs. "Guys, stop." I say calmly, they continue to growl at each other and I hear my boys whimper.

"Stop." I use my alpha voice and they stop growling to look at me, I look down and see that my kids are scared. "Nate, go to sleep. It's late." Nate's face softens and he walks down the hall, towards his room. I kneel down next to my kids and smile, Layton grins but Dalton glares at Ryder. "Layton, Dalton, do you want to sleep with me?" I ask them, they nod and Layton runs into my room. I look at Dalton but he scowls at Ryder. "What's wrong Dalton?" I ask him, he looks at me. "I don't like him even if he is my father." Dalton storms into my room and I stand there frozen in shock.

How does he know? Aiyana asks. I don't know I reply, I look at Ryder and see that he is in the same position as me.

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