The big day

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Flame's hairdo


Flame's POV

It's finally the day, the day I become Mrs. Johnston. I look in the full length mirror and see an unfamiliar woman staring back at me, I smile and look at my engagement ring. My fiery hair was in a half up, half down with curls at the ends. I sit in front of my vanity and admire my make-up that Nicole, my mum and Ryder's mum insisted on doing.

Nicole had given me a smokey eye, my eyelids were golden with light pink marking the corner. The mascara and eye make-up made my eyes pop, my eyelashes looked longer yet real. Cassidy had given me baby pink lips and her traditional necklace that had been passed down with generations to come. Mum had done my hair and now I have to wait till it's time, there's a knock on the door and Nicole opens it.

Dalton and Layton bound into the room, they freeze and look at me. "Mommy, you look pretty." Layton says and kisses my cheek, Dalton does the same and I hug my two babies. Daddy walks into the room and I see his eyes glistening with unshed tears, I hug him and feel my own waterfall coming. "No crying or else you'll ruin your make-up." Mum scolds me and I just laugh.

I stand behind the curtain that is hiding my father and I, the girls and boys walk down the aisle and stop. The song 'Hallelujah' starts playing which is my cue to walk down the aisle with my father, the red curtains flap and move out of the way revealing Ryder and the others.

I walk down the aisle whilst clutching daddy's arm, he seems to notice my nervousness. "It's OK, baby girl. You're almost there." He whispers low enough for only me to hear, I nod and hold my head high. The venue was at a clearing in the woods with both packs present, we had to remove a few tree's in order to accommodate both packs. The theme was red and purple, there were streamers wrapped around tree trunks and lanterns on the branches since it's dark out.

Mum gives me a thumbs up and my brothers blow me a kiss, I smile back at them. We finally reach the altar and daddy hands me off to Ryder who is beaming like a kid on Christmas, I see J.V one of my best friends. As hard as it is to believe but he is the Devil's son, he isn't like his father who is cold and strict. J.V is nice yet cold, he has a sense of humor and jokes around a lot but knows when he's pushing his limits.

I feel myself get lost in his hazel orbs, he smiles softly at me and mouths 'I love you' causing me to blush. "Do you Alpha Ryder Johnston take Alpha Flame Mathew Thunderstorm as your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health, in rich and poor. Till death do you apart." Ryder smiles. "I do." He says loudly without breaking eye contact. "Do you Alpha Flame Mathew Thunderstorm take Alpha Ryder Johnston as you lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health, in rich and in poor. Till death do you apart." I smile. "I do." I say as loud as Ryder had.

"You may now kiss the bride." The preach says. Ryder pulls on my waist and crashes his lips upon mine, cheers and applauds fill the forest and I smile. Mrs. Johnston. Aiyana and I whisper.


I dance with my father for the father daughter dance, he smiles proudly at me. "You are a very good alpha and luna." He whispers, I smile, happy that my father is proud of me. The song ends and I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see J.V standing there with a smile on his face.

"May I have this dance." I nod and a different song plays, a comfortable silence fills us. "So how is working with your father?" I ask him since he doesn't like working, he prefers to sit back and eat pizza and watch horror movies. Just like me. "Oh you know the usual. Him yelling at me to pay attention while I'm too busy thinking about food." He shrugs and I laugh, he is really carefree which is what I like about him.

He can make anyone laugh except for his father who always wears a cold facade, I shiver in the memory of meeting him. He had just stared at me with those cold eyes. "Thinking about the first time you met my father?" J.V asks with a smug grin. "Yeah." I giggle, he beams and I notice that he has a different aura around him. An aura of contentment and satisfaction.

"I found my mate." He says out of the blue, my eyes widen and I smile. "Congratulations. I feel sorry for the girl that has to put up with your sexual jokes." I say and he rolls his eyes at me. "I have many stories to tell her." I say looking up at the ceiling, pretending to be thinking hard. "You tell her any of my embarrassing stories and I will cut you." He threatens, I brush him off and walk towards Ryder who was glaring at J.V

"You don't have competition, ya know?" I say, he jumps at my voice since he was too busy burning holes at the back of J.V's mind, he didn't notice me walk up to him. "Mine" He says possessively, I laugh. "Yours." I say and peck him. This is one of the best days in my life.


There you go folks the second to last update, now there's only the epilogue. I hope you enjoyed the wedding.

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