Fuck This

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Flame's POV

"Oh, fuck this." I remove the clip from my hair and let my hair fall loose around my hair, I throw the clip somewhere in the room. "Flame, what are you doing?" Mum exclaims, I look at dad and see him smiling. "I don't give two shits about what the council says, the council can't change the alpha unless the pack agrees to it." I shrug, a knock sounds at the door. They're here Nicole informs me, I open the door and see 10 people standing there looking me up and down. They're judging us Aiyana growls. "Alpha Flame Mathew Thunderstorm." I reach my hand out to shake their hands. "Robert." "Roger" "Alexander" "Alex" "Louis" "Maude" "Florence" "Elizabeth" "Margaret" "Bertha" All of them shake my hand and step inside though I think Alexander is the most cheerful and nice one out of all of them.

"Cén chaoi a bhfuil alfa phacáiste ag dul? (How is the pack going alpha?)" Roger asks, Haha, they're testing us to see if we know Irish. Aiyana laughs, Ryder opens his mouth but I stop him. "Dea go raibh maith agat Roger. Anois is féidir a fhios agam cén fáth a bhfuil tú anseo? (Good thank you Roger. Now may I know why your are here?)" I cover my laugh with a cough after looking at Roger's face, I see Alexander coughing but I know he was laughing. "Members this is my father Mathew Thunderstorm and his mate and my mother Helene Thunderstorm, these are my brothers Jace Mathew Thunderstorm and Jason Mathew Thunderstorm. And last but not least my mate, Alpha Ryder Johnston." I point to each and everyone of them. "Puis-je savoir pourquoi votre prénom est vos pères nom au lieu de vos mères? (May I know why your middle name is your fathers name instead of your mothers?)" Bertha says with disgust, I clear my throat and glare at Bertha. "May I remind you that this is the 21st century so it does not matter which parent's name you get as a middle name and to answer your question I show my fathers characteristics in me so my middle name is Mathew." I say calmly, my family and Ryder take a step back.

Nicole, Blake and Blaze come in and I look at them and they know I'm close to getting pissed. "Members this is my Beta Nicole Guardian, my gamma Blake Davenport and his twin brother also my delta Blaze Davenport." I introduce my friends. "Hmm" I'm getting seriously pissed at them judging us. They all sit down except Alexander who was waiting for me to say something, I wave my hand to show that everyone can sit down. "Would you rather discuss this in private?" Robert asks. "They're family and deserve to know what we 'discuss' So no thank you" I emphasize discuss, well aware what we are going to talk about. "Very well then. You need allies" Florence says. "No we don't. I have already had multiple packs become my allies, so that is off the checklist." I say smiling. "They are not registered." Bertha says with an evil smirk. "I'm getting to it, have some patience Bertha." I say her name with disgust like she had mine.

"What about merging or handing over your pack to alpha Ryder?" Louis asks cautiously, I hear my family gasp at the new information. I feel my mothers anger rolling off of her in waves and my fathers frustration. "We have decided to merge packs and we are yet to inform both packs, so that is done too." I ignore my family and Ryder puts his hand over mine, the action doesn't go unnoticed by the council members. Oh how much I hate the council, when are they gonna leave? I complain through the link to the whole pack, I receive chuckles and giggles from my pack mates. "OK then when is that going to happen? The merging I mean." Alex asks, the guys seem to be the ones in-charge while the girls just sit there. I state to Aiyana. "That has not been confirmed yet." Ryder replies for me, I nod at him in thanks and face the council again. "Bertha will remain here to guide you through how to be a good alpha." Maude says standing up, I feel my anger rising. "Did you not get my letter?" I growl out to them surprising everyone in the room.

"Oui (Yes)" Margaret says in French. "Then you must know that I do not need a fucking guide when I have my father." I say calming myself down. "You are not allowed to speak to us like that!!" Bertha yells losing her cool. "Actually I am, you are forgetting this is my turf and this is my pack. You are not allowed to interfere unless we do something unforgivable!!" I yell causing Ryder to step forward and wrap his arm around my waist. The members file out into the street, I follow them with everyone, they head over to the main square where everyone was out and about. "Don't you dare!!" I shout making all chatter stop and look at me and the council members. "Your alpha is not fit to lead so we are going to announce a new leader." Robert announces, I hear cries of protest and 8 people step forward who I recognize them as my elders. "We do not agree with this, we will leave this pack if you renounce the alpha title and give it to some other non-deserving twit. No offence." Mary the leader shouts. "Yeah!!" Everyone choruses, I feel my wolfs pride and my own at the loyalty of my pack.

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