Good news

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Ryder's POV

I hear rushed footsteps towards the bathroom. Mate, go to mate Econ demands, I run into the bathroom and see Flame hunched over the toilet vomiting. I walk up behind her and hold her hair back, I gently rub her back and she gives me a weak smile. She stands up and brushes her teeth, it's been a week since we completed the mating process. She makes a move to head out of the bathroom but I stop her by sticking my hand out in front of her. "You're sick. You need to see a pack doctor" I say softly, picking her up bridle style and laying her on the bed. "I can walk and I'm fine just a little cold." She argues with me, I hum and shake my head. "No you are sick and werewolves can't get a cold.  Now please let me take care of you." I beg, giving her my best puppy dog face. She groans and looks at me. "Fine. But you have to promise that I don't have to see a pack doctor, if it doesn't stop in the next couple of days you can do whatever you want. Got it?" I think about her bargain. "Deal." I shout making her laugh.

"Baby, I'm just going to get you some soup. I'll be right back." I say and sprint downstairs running into Jason. "Woah. What crawled up your ass?" He asks, I laugh and walk with him to the kitchen. "Flame's sick. She vomited so I'm going to make her some soup." Jason freezes and runs upstairs, worried I run after him. He runs into my room and looks at Flame with the look of disbelief. "Yeah I know, I am in fact sick." Flame huffs and crosses her arms, I retreat back to the kitchen with Jason. "I can't believe it. Flame never gets sick." He wonders our loud, I laugh and clap his back. "Well you better believe it." I grab the ingredients for chicken soup and get started.

An hour later I finally manage to make a soup that doesn't taste like mud, I walk upstairs carefully. I hear Flame's laughter echoing through the room, I open the door and walk over to the bed with the tray. Flame's eyes light up and my wolf howls, happy to put that look on her face. "Is that chicken soup?" She asks, I nod and she grins. She takes the soup but I stop her, she frowns and looks at me. I take the spoon from her and feed her the soup myself, she laughs and happily accepts me feeding her.

Nicole's POV (Same morning)

I heave into the toilet and lay my head on the cold ground. Tell mate Lysha whines, I sigh and stand up. I know but what if he doesn't want a child. Then what? I say nervously to my wolf Lysha. She whimpers and moves to the furthest corner in my mind, I walk to Hunter's office, yes office, since Hunter is a beta he gets an office because he also has paperwork. I knock on the hardwood, I fiddle with my dress that was hiding my now showing baby bump. "Come in" His gruff voice commands, I feel my palms start to sweat and my hands start shaking. I shakily open the door and Hunter looks up at me, he motions me to come and sit on his lap. I hastily sit on his lap earning myself a low chuckle. "Is everything okay princess?" He says using his nickname for me. "Yeah just..." I trail off not wanting to complete my sentence.

"Just?" He asks, I stand up and walk over to his bookshelf. Hunter also stands up and sits on the corner of his desk, I sigh and turn around. "ThatdayItookatestandwellyouseeI'mpregnantandyourgoingtobeafather" I blurt out not sure if he understood. "I'm sorry what?" His face contorts into confusion, I sigh in frustration.  Shouldn't this be easier? I ask Lysha. I don't know She replies. "That day I took a test and well you see I'm pregnant and you're going to be a father." I say softly and slowly, his face lights up and he kisses me which I return.

I excuse myself and head back to my room. Nicole, do me a favour and get me a couple of pregnancy tests. Flame's voice rings in my head. K, I'll be there with the tests in 10 minutes max I say already running out of the house.  Hunter I'm going over to Flame's I say through our link OK princess he replies.

Flame's POV

Nicole, do me a favour and get me a couple of pregnancy tests. I ask Nicole, I can't ask Ryder because I don't want to get his hopes up and then find out it was a false alarm. K, I'll be there with the tests in 10 minutes max. She replies, I hear movement through the link and I know that she's hurrying to get me the tests. Ryder walks out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist, my eyes graze over his 8 packs and up to his smirking face.

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