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Flame's POV

I open my eyes and try to sit up but a heavy object stops me. I look down and see Ryder's arm on my waist, I smile and gently try to remove his arm. Keyword try his arm weighs a tonne, his arm tightens around me. I make my teddy bear float over to me, I smell the teddy bear to make sure it has my scent on it. I slip out of his grip and replace a teddy bear where I should be, instantly Ryder cuddles with the teddy bear. I grab my phone and take a picture of him cuddling my teddy bear, I laugh silently and freshen up. I put on a black mid thigh dress that is tight around the top half and flares out at the waist with black peep toes.

I run downstairs and skip the last couple of steps, I walk into the kitchen and my family stares at something on my neck. What are they looking at? I ask Aiyana. You didn't tell them that Ryder marked you stupid. Aiyana says, Oh. I smile sweetly and drink the coffee that mum had made for me. "So, how's your morning going?" I ask awkwardly, they look at me like I've grown two heads. "Ryder!!" My father's voice booms throughout the house, I hear a thump and assume that Ryder has fallen off the bed. My family look at me, I laugh nervously. "What is Ryder doing in your room?" Jace asks, I shrug and continue drinking coffee only to have it taken from me. "Hey!!" I pout at Jace, he laughs and drinks my coffee. I hear Ryder's hurried footsteps on the stair and I wait for him to emerge through the doorway.

"Flame care to explain why I was hugging a teddy bear that smelt like you?" Ryder asks with his eyebrow raised, everyone mimics Ryder's movement. "Shouldn't you know that?" I ask him, everyone turns to him. "It's your room" Ryder says, I laugh nervously. "You're the one that woke up in my bed." I retort, Jace and father look like their going to blow. "You're the one that invited." He says, I look at him like he's gone crazy. "You're the one that was too lazy to go down the hall." I say and smirk. "You're the one that said I could sleep with you." He says, my father looks pissed. "Would you have preferred to sleep on my couch?" I ask him, his eyes widen and he shakes his head. "Thought so." I say and take Jace's milkshake. "Hey!!" He shouts, I laugh and drink all of his blueberry milkshake.

"Ryder when did you mark Flame?" Father asks, Ryder gulps and looks at me for help, I shrug and turn around but still listen to what they're talking about. "Last Friday. Sir." I choke on my water and start coughing, after my coughing fit I start laughing. "I'm sorry." I say and purse my lips trying to control my laughter. What's so funny Flame? Ryder asks. Nothing, just that you called my dad sir I laugh through the link. "Well then I want grandkids!!" I choke on air at mother's outburst, I stare at her, giving her the 'What the hell?' look. "What? I'm a mother I want to see grandchildren running around and I'm sure Cassidy wants it too." She exclaims. "Mother, go bother Jace and Jason. They have mates and Jason marked and nearly mated with her on the first night." I say and turn around. "Thanks Flame." Jason says sarcastically. "My pleasure." I bow and continue with reading my book in the kitchen.

"Mother, Jace is the oldest meaning he should be the first to give you grand babies" Jason says happy that he's the youngest, I laugh and look at Jace's horrified face. "Jace can you do me a favour?" I ask him he looks relieved at my offer. "Go give the alpha of Lunar pack this copy of the contract and bring home your mate." I shove the small stack of papers at him, his eyes light up at the mention of his mate. "Yes!!" He yells at the top of his lungs, he runs out of the room and upstairs. "I bet he's going to take an hour getting ready." I say to Jason, he shakes his head. "I think 30 minutes." He says. "Fine winner has to stay sober next time." I shake his hand. "What does sober next time mean?" Mother asks. "Nothing you need to worry about mother." Jason smiles sweetly.

Exactly an hour later Jace comes downstairs in low cut jeans and black shirt that fit snuggly around his muscles. "I win" I whisper to Jason, but I know that everyone heard me. "Win what?" Jace asks. "Jason and I had a bet about how long you would take to get ready and I won. The loser has to stay sober next time." I state matter-of-factly. "Good luck with that." Jace claps Jason's back. I laugh and stand up. "Well the witches and warlocks should be done by now. Oh and before you leave Jace look at this." I say and Jace looks at the picture of Ryder cuddling the bear and laughs, I show Jason, mum and dad they all start laughing until tears cloud their vision.

The witches and Warlocks walk in and bow respectfully. "The merging has been finished, we made a small road linking your pack and the other one. We also removed some tree's to make a couple of houses, all that is left to do is to seal the bond." The head witch speaks, sounding exhausted. "And how do we do that?" I ask. "Well you have to create some sort of bond with the other alpha." Another witch speaks. "What if there already is one?" Ryder speaks up. "Then you just recreate that bond again." A warlock explains. "Also you have reached the strongest pack since you two have merged." Another explains, I nod and they poof out of here literally.

"Flame, what was your family laughing?" Ryder asks as we walk over to his pack house, my suggestion. "Nothing, just a picture that I took." I say and walk in the front door purposely slamming it in Ryder's face, I fast walk to John's study and knock on the door. "Come in" I hear Cassidy's melodic voice, I smile and walk in. They put everything down and hug me, I show the picture to them and they laugh as Ryder walks in rubbing his nose. "OK, I need to see that picture." Ryder says reaching for my phone.

"No!!" I shout and hide it behind my back. "Come on, Flame give it to me." Ryder coos, I shake my head and lean back as Ryder tries to reach for the phone. He manages to take the phone and he looks down at it, he looks like he's seen a ghost. "I deleted it" Ryder announces, I laugh and shake my head. "I backed the photo up and sent it to my email." I laugh out, he glares at me. "Delete it." He orders, I shake my head. "It's for our future children." I say dramatically. "When do you two plan on them?" Cassidy asks. Shit I say to Aiyana. "Soon, very soon." Ryder says, I look at him, my jaw dropping to the ground.

"I know how we can celebrate the merging of our packs." I say purposely changing the subject, they look at me. "We could have a ball at this place that was made for stuff like that, do you remember Cassidy? You used to always plan balls and proms just so you could use that place." I ask her. "Yes!" She squeals, I laugh. "I'll get it planned by some of my best planners." They look at me weirdly. "I like to have parties, balls, proms and others like to have weddings and stuff so some people came together an became function planners." I explain they nod. I want the function planners to plan a ball. You are not to settle on a theme without mine or Ryder's consent. I order through our link to them.





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