New start

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Flame's POV

I pull up at a motel, too tired to drive. I open my glove compartment and pull out my new sim that I keep for emergencies, I replace the sim with my old sim. I dial in Nathaniel's number and hit call. (F=Flame, N=Nathaniel)

N= Hello, Nathaniel speaking.

F= Hey Nate, I was wondering if I could stay at your pack for some time.

N= Uh, sure but what happened? Did someone do something?

F= I'll tell you when I get there and I'm too tired to drive so I'm staying the night at a motel near your pack.

N= You are not staying at a motel, I'm coming to pick you up, just stay where you are. OK?

F= OK.

The line goes dead and I sigh, I hop out and walk to the other side and sit in the passenger seat. I lean back into the seat and close my eyes, I feel myself starting to drift off and I allow myself to do so.

12 Hours later

I snuggle closer to the silk sheets, hang on a minute. Where the fuck am I? My eyes snap open and I sit up, the room has black walls and red bed sheets. Nathaniel's head pokes through the door and I breathe a sigh of relief, Nate chuckles and walks in. He sits down on the bed and by the look on his face, I know that there's no way I'm getting away without telling him the truth.

"Want to tell me why you left Thunderstorm pack? Ryder has announced to all packs that if they see you, they are to report back to him." Tears spring to my eyes at the mention of Ryder's name, I sigh and see Nate look at me in a brotherly way. I lay down with my head resting on Nate's lap, he strokes my hair and tears run down my face.

I tell him about how Ryder cheated on me and how I rejected and left him. I hear him take a sharp intake of breath, I sniff and he kisses my forehead. "OK, you can stay here for as long as you like and my pack members won't report you to Ryder." Nate suggests but sounds more like an order, I nod and stand up. I brush imaginary dust off of my jeans, I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where Hannah was eating raspberry jelly mixed with peanut butter.

Hannah stops eating and looks at me, her eyes light up and she rushes over to me and gives me a bone crushing hug. I pull back and look at the snack and then at her, she blushes and laughs nervously. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you are pregnant." Hannah's head shoots up so fast that it makes me wonder how she didn't get whiplash, she nods and I grin. "Me too." She launches herself at me and I hug her back.

After about an hour of catching up and some tears I head upstairs to my new bedroom, it's going to be tough sleeping and waking without Ryder next to me. The Dark Moon pack agreed not to tell anyone about my whereabouts as long as I stay here till at least the child is born, this pack is like my second family so I obviously said yes.

I open my mond link, making sure to keep the mate link blocked. Are you safe?
Are you hurt?
Alpha please talk to us.
Where are you? The pack needs you.
Flame come back please.
The last message catches my attention because it's from Nicole, I decide to reply to all of the messages through the mind link. Since the mind link is the whole packs it means that Ryder can hear what I say too so I have to block him from the pack link for awhile.

Yes I am safe and no I am not hurt well at least physically. I'm somewhere safe and far from Ryder and I would like to keep it that way, please. I block everyone out and only link Nicole.
Nicole I am at The Dark Moon pack with Nathaniel and my new number is 0256721853. I get under the blankets and wait for a reply.

Oh my god, Flame. I nearly killed Ryder if it wasn't for Hunter, thanks for telling me your whereabouts. I won't tell him where you are or what your number is as long as you continue talking to me and your family, your mother won't stop crying, Jace and Mathew have gone for billions of runs to cool down and Jason is distraught. He won't eat, he won't drink, he won't talk or sleep. My eyes go glossy with tears and I decise to talk to my family. OK, thanks Nicole. I close Nicole off and open up my special libk that I had made for the family.

Mom? Dad? Jace? Jason? I call out through the link, not sure whether they are awake or not since it is basically midnight. Oh thank god their voices chorus through my mind. I'm fine and safe, don't worry. I promise to keep in contact with that said I block every link that I have and fall back into bed. I close my eyes and will for myslef to sleep.

After some basic attempts, I drink a glass of milk and go back to bed and soon enough I feel sleep overtake me.

Jason's POV

How can she just leave? She didn't say a proper goodbye. I think back to the times where we would have food fights and just fights over nothing, how we would piss mom and dad off, how we'd go out to clubs and she would take care of me while I sober up. Tears slide down my cheek at the memories, it has been 12 houra since she left and in those 12 hours I haven't done anything but stare at the wall in her bedroom.

The fucking asshole has destroyed multiple rooms in this house, he managed to only destroy 50 out 150 guest rooms. Yes she has a massive house, Ryder storms in and I manage to tear my eyes away from the wall to him. I glare at him and his anger sky rockets. "How dare you glare at me?!?" He shouts, I feel my own anger rising and I stand up abruptly to face the son of a bitch. "How dare you cheat on my sister?!?" I poke his chest and he hangs his head.

"Exactly what I though, now you are going to find my sister and bring her home. Safe and sound." I order emphasizing you. He nods and makes some phone calls, I sigh frustrated and flop back down onto the bed so I can stare at the wall. Mom? Dad? Jace? Jason? Flame's voice echoes throughout my mind and I instantly straighten up. Oh thank God. All of us say at the same time.

I'm fine and safe, don't worry. I promise to keep in contact. Flame promises and cuts the link, I get the feeling that Flame might be in Dark Moon territory. I run downstairs to where everyone was sulking, their heads snap to where I was and surpriae was evident on their faces since I haven't moved for the last 12 hours. "Did you hear her?" I ask. "Hear who?" A voice growls out, I spin around to see Ryder standing there.

I give Ryder the evil eye and sit down. "None of you business." Jace growls at Ryder. "I am handing the reins to Mathew and Helene while I search the globe for my mate." Ryder announces, I stare at him, waiting for him to say that he is just kidding but the look on his face says everything but that. Ryder heads upstsirs to pack and my family and I share a look that says.....

What if he finds Flame?

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