Road Trip

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Flame's POV

I haul the last suitcase into my car and head back inside to where Nate and the others were. I hug everyone and Hannah bursts into tears, I laugh and let her soak my shirt. "Hannah, you got tear marks on my shirt." I whine and the kids giggle, Hannah pulls away and smiles apologetically. "Sorry." She looks down and a light shade of pink appears on her face, I laugh and take my shirt off leaving me in a singlet.

"Who gets shotgun?" I ask, the boys look at eau other. "ME!!" They shout, I cringe and they smile sheepishly. "Dalton gets shotgun." I say, Layton's bottom lip quivers and I sigh. I mutter incoherent words making the guys laugh, I crouch down and look into Layton's glossy eyes. "You can have shotgun next time?" I suggest and Layton nods, the kids hug each other and I smile.

"Mommy, do we have to go?" Dalton whines, I look at Dalton and plead silently to him. Dalton huffs and walks off towards the car, Layton follows his brother and I stand there staring off into space. "This is going to be one long journey." I state, Ryder walks up to me and I look at him. "I'm riding in your car." He says and I huff. "No you're not." I say stubbornly, he growls at me. "Yes I am."







"Fuck it, fine." Ryder cheers and I walk towards the car. "Dalton, you have to sit in the back with Layton, please." Dalton sits in the middle seat and watches me, I wait for Ryder but he takes forever. Dalton leans over and honks the horn, I laugh as everyone heads out and sits in their cars. Ryder sits in the passenger seat and I drive off, you could probably hear a pin drop in this car. "So, you two excited to see your grandparents?" Lousy question, I know but I couldn't bear the awkward silence.

"Yes!" I laugh and turn on the radio, I hum at the tune. "Mummy, will we be having stops or are we just going to go non-stop?" I laugh mentally at how the kids are ignoring Ryder. "Um, we'll have stops." I look back briefly and see Dalton glaring at Ryder's head, I sigh and turn back. "Actually, we're not having stops." Ryder says while looking out the window, I growl and Ryder growls back. "We will be having stops wether you like it or not." I growl out, Ryder glares at me and I continue looking at the road.

"I agree with mommy." Layton agrees, Ryder looks back the kids and his facial features soften. "Fine." I laugh at Ryder's weakness. "Dalton, put the pillow under Layton's head so that his neck doesn't cramp." Dalton does as I say and gets the sleeping Layton comfortable.

"Mommy?" Dalton asks, I look back to see Dalton near tears. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I grip the steering wheel and my knuckles turn white, Dalton sniffs. "I want McDonalds." Ryder looks at Dalton in disbelief. "OK, but wait till Layton's awake so it's fair. OK?" I ask, Dalton nods and gets himself comfortable. Dalton closes his eyes and starts to fall asleep.

12 Hours later

I park outside of the house and step outside, I stretch and open the door to the backseat. Dalton hops out sleepily, he wobbles slightly and I catch him. "Wait." Dalton nods and holds my leg for support, I unbuckle Layton's seatbelt and pick him up and put him on my hip. Layton instinctively hooks his arms around my neck, Ryder walks over to me. "Here let me help." I ignore him and put Dalton on my other hip, Dalton hugs both me and Layton making me smile.

We head up to the front door just as it swings open revealing Jace. "How- You know what never mind." I walk inside and see mum, dad, Cassidy and John sitting on the couches staring at nothing. "They don't know do they?" Jace shakes his head. "Wanted to surprise them." He whispers, I nod and kiss the top of my boys' heads. "Papà, mamma? Sono tornato con i bambini. Come sei stato? (Dad, mum? I'm back with the kids. How have you been?)" Everyone's heads snap over to me and smiles grace their lips, I set Dalton on the floor but hold him close so he doesn't fall over.

Layton starts to stir and I let Dalton go and look at Layton, he opens his eyes and grins at me. "Are we there?" He asks, I laugh and nod. I put him on the floor and they look at the adults who were crying, I hug everyone and they take turns at crying on my shoulder. "Baby girl." Father hugs me tight and I hug him back with the same type of strength. "I can't believe you came back and that to at our stupid son's request." John says with disgust, I laugh and Dalton giggles.

"Jason, take Layton upstairs to my old room." I order Jason, he guides a sleepy Layton to my room. "Actually, mommy set some rules." Dalton says with pride and happiness, dad chuckles as mum smiles. "And what are they?" Cassidy asks, I look at Ryder to see if he wants to be the one to tell them. When Ryder doesn't make any move to spill, I open my mouth and tell them what they want to know. "1. He has to get mum and dad's forgiveness, 2. He needs to get the pack to forgive him, 3. He must earn Dalton and Layton's trust which is tricky because they don't trust easily and Dalton already dislikes him, 4. He has no right over me until he fulfils the other conditions." Everyone laughs at my smart conditions.

"OK, we'll make one thing easier. Helene and I forgive you Ryder and so does Jace and Jason." Dad says, I smile and look at Ryder who had hope in his eyes. "1 down 3 to go, good luck Ryder. Now, I'm tired so I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I stand up and pick Dalton up. "I offered to drive." Ryder says, I laugh and head upstairs.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." I tell Dalton and he sits down on the bed, I feel mischievous. Let's prank Jason. I bet you he's missed it. I suggest to Aiyana.

OK. I feel her excitement, I quickly go into his room and put my plan to action.

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