Bitch please

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Flame's POV

"Baby wake up." I hear a husky voice say, I slap away the hand that was slowly creeping up my arm earning myself a chuckle. I hear footsteps retreat from my room, I sigh and wiggle around trying to get comfy. I feel ice cold water splash onto me making me scream and jolt awake, I look around looking for the source of the water. I glare at Jason who was standing there with an empty bucket, I look at a smiling Ryder and Jace. I jump out of my plush bed and pounce at Jason who has just enough time to drop the bucket and leap to the side, I chase him downstairs and into the kitchen where mum, dad, Cassidy and John were drinking hot beverages. "You asshole!" I shout and stalk Jason who was trapped in the kitchen, I walk towards him while grabbing a hot coffee that was probably for me. I walk gracefully to Jason and pour the hot coffee on his head. "Flame!!" I hear mother yell over father's laughter, I turn and smile sweetly at her only to have orange juice poured over my head causing everyone to laugh except for my mother who was fuming.

I growl playfully and grab a fistful of flour and throw it at Jason's head, since there was coffee on his skin it made the flour stick to him. I laugh ag his shocked face, I hear my mothers ranting get blown away with my fathers strong chuckle. Jason yells a battle cry and throws an egg at me, I feel my jaw drop. I grab a whole cabbage and throw it at Jason's head who wasn't fast enough to dodge the attack, I laugh and feel tears stream down my face. I see another egg coming my way and I duck, I look up and laugh at Ryder's face, I see that everyone now has a utensil including my mum, they use the certain utensil to shield themselves from the fight. I quickly grab a pot and hand Ryder a pan, I dodge a slice of beetroot and throw a carrot at dad who wasn't paying attention to me causing him to get hit.

"What the hell happened in here?" I here Nicole say, we all freeze and stare at her. "Begs not cleaning up!" I shout and run upstairs grabbing Ryder in the process of fleeing, I slam my door shut and stare at Ryder, we stare at each other for few moments before bursting into a fit of laughter. I walk over to him and pluck out a piece of lettuce from his hair, he runs his fingers through my hair removing all sorts of fruits and vegetables. I laugh and lightly shove Ryder out the door towards the spare shower, I have a shower of my own and then sign some papers real quick. I put on black skinny jeans, a black corset with a blood red jacket and black high top all star converse. I zip up my jacket well aware that if the boys saw they would surely make me change. Ryder I'll see you in school, you can take my car but I don't want a single scratch on it. Understood? I link Ryder knowing that he will take forever in the shower and would love to drive my car. Yes ma'am. I could picture him giving me a two finger salute.

I walk into English and sit down in my usual seat. I wanna sleep Aiyana whines. Same here. I look up at the sound of the door slamming open. "Even though Ryder has a mate he will choose me as his Luna." Amelia struts in, I shake my head and look down at my phone. "Nina, you need to be back at the pack house by 4 or you will have to suffer consequences." I listen in on Amelia's conversation, I feel a growl make it's way up my throat and out my mouth before I could stop it. I strain my ears to hear nothing, I look up to see everyone looking my way and a very scared looking girl shaking out of what seems like fear. I stand up and walk to where the scared looking girl was shaking, her shaking multiplied every time I took a step, I frown and kneel down in front of her. I look at her jumper which she is pulling down into her hands, I stop her hands and lift the sleeves up. My eyes zero on the cuts and bruises, I smile and extend my hand. "Hi my name is Flame, what's yours?" I ask already knowing her name.

"N-Nina." She stutters, I frown again and clench my fists. "You will not speak to Nina in that way again. Got it?" I say to everyone as Ryder walks in, I glare at him and Amelia walks up to me, well more like waddles over to me. "You aren't our alpha so you can't order us around and I'm going to be Luna." She states, Ryder don't interfere. I growl through our link. "Bitch please, like I care for the Luna role." I say waving a finger in her face in a sassy way, she growls and pounces on me. I react quickly and gracefully leap to the side with Nina making Amelia crash into the chair that Nina had previously occupied. Ryder better change the omega's I growl out to Aiyana. I seat Nina down in my chair and stand up straight facing Amelia, she makes an attempt to stand up in a graceful way but trips on her own feet. Laughter erupts throughout the room, I smile and tilt my head trying to figure out her strategies and her weak spots. Neck, breast, stomach oh come on. Doesn't she know how to fight? Aiyana lists off Amelia's weak spots, I laugh mentally. "Before you challenge an alpha, you really should learn to fight and cover your weak spots which in your case are neck, stomach and your breasts. You wouldn't last long in a fight." I say and she opens and closes her mouth like a fish.

The rest of the day went by in a blurry haze, currently we're walking to werewolf training. Nicole, what do you have now? I ask her. Werewolf training with your friend Francis and with Hunter. I hear her squeal, I cringe at the intensity of it. "You OK?" Ryder asks, I nod and walk into the changing rooms. I put on a different pair of Black shorts and sports bra, I jog over to where Francis was waiting with mats laid out. "Yes!!" I shout and hug Francis, I hear him chuckle and a growl from Ryder. I quickly pull back and put a reasonable amount of distance between us. "Thought you would like this kiddo. A thank you gift from me and my mate." He says as Ryder wraps his arm around my waist and narrows his eyes at Francis. "Ryder don't be rude." I playfully slap his chest, Francis laughs and walks off muttering something like teenagers. I gasp and glare at him, I smirk and release myself from Ryder's grip. "Stay." I say to Ryder and run up behind Francis, I launch myself onto his back and off of him before he hits the ground. I laugh and point at him. "Never let your guard down." I recite his words. "Yeah, yeah. I know." He grunts and gets up off of the ground, he smirks and I run away from him. I run behind Ryder and he tenses up, he growls at Francis and drags me away. Ryder glares at me and my outfit. "Go change." He growls out. "No." I stick my heel into the ground.







"No. Fuck I mean yes." I laugh at Ryder and run off towards the mats to wait for the rest of the class.
"OK, today we will be working on attacking and dodging." Francis yells over the rowdy teenagers, I realize that no one is actually listening and I want to start so I step up next to Francis. "Oi listen!!" I yell in my alpha tone, people immediately stop talking and stare at me and Francis. I smile satisfied and walk next to Ryder who still was glaring at Francis. "Francis was my trainer." I whisper to him and he looks at me. "He is trusted by father so you should trust him too." I say and await for my name and my opponents name to be called. "Flame and Ryder." Francis says, everyone watches us. Seriously he has to pair us up with our mate I say to Aiyana. I don't want to hurt mate Natalie whimpers. Come on Aiyana, we can do this I encourage her. Yeah let's do this Aiyana says in a strong voice.

Aiyana and I share control, I crouch into a stance and smile at Ryder. We circle each other and I wait for Ryder to make to first move, he does by aiming his fist at my collarbone but I quickly bring up my radius to block and punch Ryder in the ribs at the same time. Ryder grunts in pain and stumbles backwards, I feel sympathy for him and slow down, Ryder straightens up and pounces at me. I spin and high kick him square in the chest. Stop going easy on me. I know you can do better. I taunt him, he leaps onto his feet and punches my jaw. I rotate my jaw to make sure it isn't that bad, I crouch and kick his ankles causing his legs to give in. I hold Ryder down and wink at him, I stand back up and move away.

Ryder stands up and punches me in the stomach, I half heartedly throw a punch to his chest. I allow Ryder to win so his pride isn't hurt and his pack members don't think that he is weak, my pack members smile at me. They know my strength and have figured out that I let Ryder win for his own sake, I smile at Francis who is shaking his head in amusement. After about 10 pairs had fought we were allowed to change, I sprint into the changing rooms and change into my school clothes not bothering to zip up my jacket. I strut out of the rooms and into the parking lot earning a couple of wolf whistles, I drive home and go straight up to my bedroom. Baby, I need to stay at my pack for the night. I hope that's OK. Ryder links. Yes!! Now we can go to the club Aiyana whoops. That's OK hun. I say and start getting ready for my night out, I wear red lipstick and head downstairs. I manage to leave the house undetected, I jog to my favourite club and wave at the bouncer who happily allows me in. Jace, I'm at a club. I'll call if I need any help. I link, Jace knows about my late night activities. He doesn't mind as long as I am careful and call if I am in trouble or need a ride home.

OK, baby sis He replies, I order 3 tequila shots and chug them down. I feel my wolf alert for any danger while I enjoy my night, I move over to the dance floor and start dancing to a song that I don't know. I sway my hips and raise my hands above my head, I laugh at the girl that lost her footing, I feel my wolf get anxious and I excuse myself to go and talk to my wolf in private. Aiyana, what's wrong? I ask worried. Mate, he'e near by. Aiyana says panicking. I sigh and walk back onto the dance floor and continue dancing to the music, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around a smile on my face to see....

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