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Flame's POV

I sniff and put the last of my clothes in my suitcase, Aiyana has completely shut me off ever since I rejected Ryder. I shove my suitcases into my car and run back inside to my old room, I take out 5 pieces of paper for the notes that I will be leaving.

Dear Mum, Dad, Jace and Jason

I know that dad is going to be majorly pissed so mum calm him down please, I will be fine and I love you all. I just can't stay here anymore after what Ryder did to me, I just can't bear the pain that my mate has cheated on me and that to while I'm pregnant with his pup. I have decided to be a single parent and fuck the pack laws and I guess this is goodbye for now.

I promise to visit sometime when I think that I will be able to handle being around Ryder, I will never be able to stop questioning myself. What did I do wrong? Why is life so cruel?

Love Flame

I take the 2nd piece of paper.

Dear Cassidy and John

I know how much you were excited about the unborn pup Cassidy but after what Ryder just did, well I'm just heart broken, I can't stand being around him knowing that he went behind my back and cheated. I promise to send you pictures and videos of the kids and I hope that you can forgive me for running away like a coward. I hope that Ryder can find another Luna and can run the pack without me.

If something were to happen to my pups because of Ryder I would never have forgiven him and I know that stress and anger is not good when your in pregnancy so I am leaving. Goodbye for now.

P.S I left 5 letters including this one

Love Flame

I wipe my eyes and start writing my 3rd letter of the day.

Dear Nicole

Don't cry or try to kill Ryder, please. You have been like a sister to me and I wish for you to be happy and not to be angry at Ryder, plus anger and stress isn't good for your health. You probably already know where I am going so I won't elaborate, I'm keeping the pack link so you can contact me anytime you want. Good luck with your pup and goodbye for now.

Love your sister Flame

I sigh frustrated that I got tear marks on my letters.

Dear my pack

Sorry for leaving like this and please don't be angry at Ryder, you guys are an incredible pack and I was extremely lucky to be your alpha. I love your loyalty and your commitment to making this pack true and I hope that you can move on from this little bump in your life. Goodbye for now.

Love your former alpha Flame

I take a deep breath and write the hardest letter yet.

Dear Ryder

I am leaving and I am not sorry for doing it, you should have thought twice before fucking that slut. I thought that you loved me and I you, I have no respect for you and you clearly proved that you don't respect me. I don't regret rejecting you at all because I think you deserved it, I don't give a shit about pack laws and I certainly don't care about the one where it states that if an alpha gets a female pregnant then that female must become the Luna. I myself was an alpha so I know the protocols, I definitely will not be staying in contact with you. And as far as the pups are concerned, then I will raise them on my own. Good bye forever.

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