Day 1- Sorting

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Today, Andre Ydolly is having a good day. He had bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast. He took a shower, brushed his teeth, and washed his hands. He put on deodorant and used the bathroom. He put on his normal set of clothing. A black T-shirt, a Navy blue submarine shorts, Nike shoes, and striped socks. He went to his room, where he had a suitcase packed and ready. He was not catching a flight to visit family or go on a business trip. Today, he was a 27 year old college student with sized 13 feet about to leave for camp. He was going to drive to Pine Bluff, New York to attend the camp.

The weather was nice outside, a beautiful sunny day with a blue sky and white clouds. He got into his F-150 2019 edition. He drove 26 miles to get there. When he parked in the lot, he turned off his engine and left his vehicle and closed the door. Because of the nice weather, it was a perfect day to get settled in.

He noticed a line of college students. He joined them. He reached the end of the line. He signed his name, his emergency phone number. Andre Ydolly received a name tag, with a bag full of supplies such as the map of the camp, a schedule of the game, emergency information, rules and regulations, and more. He was assigned to the Red Cabin. He unpacked and walked to the main auditorium. He sat in front. He shook hands with a 19 year old boy named Tyler from University of Chicago.

A woman named Ms. Jackie walked up the microphone on the stage that took 12 steps to get up there. Attention campers, we have constructed this camp and worked out the details so you will have a fun time. Lights out is at 11 pm every night. Meals will be provided at 7 am, 12 pm, and 6 pm at the gorgeous dining hall. There is no tolerance of racist language, bullying, fighting, disrespectfulness to your campers and staff. Any rule breakers will be taken back to their home city immediatly without appeal, you all understand? Everyone yelled yes. Next thing, tonight there is a celebration bonfire right here outside so you want to come so you find out your camp teams. Have fun.

Everyone left to get a meal at the dining hall for lunch. Andre got a fried chicken sandwich with a side of fries and gravy. Let's have a lot of fun Andre said to a girl named Joyce who is 19 that was sitting next to her. I had to come because my parents had to take a business trip and no one can watch over me, but this feels like it will be more exciting than a babysitter anyways so I'm excited to see what will happen. Where do you go to school at? said Andre. I attend University of Boston. How about you? I go to University of Texas at Austin said Andre proudly.

Nice, well hope you have fun here. You too replied Andre. The hours passed by quickly. Andre made his cabin bed with a Tarot Card bedsheet, Pokemon pillow, and a Degrassi High School blanket. Next, he went to the woods next to the cabin to do some silent reading and journal writing. This area is nice, full of trees, flowers, and other things, and I think I will enjoy it here. So far, I made 2 friends and I hope to make others soon Andre wrote down with a blue ball point pen.

Time passed by and soon Andre went to the bonfire. Can I have your complete attention? said camp consular Kevin. Yes everyone said in unison. Will the following people step up? Andre, Devin, Madison, Courtney, Addison, Franklin, Cory, and Laura. Devin is 26 and he is a Biology student at Our Lady of the Lake University. He have sized 12 feet. Madison is 21 studying Physics at the University of Wisconsin and have sized 11 feet. Addison is 19 studying Business at the University of Chicago and have sized 10 feet. Franklin is 20 and is studying Art History at Cambridge University and have sized 10 feet. Cory is 18 and is studying Computer Science Forensics at Harvard University and have sized 12 feet. Laura is 19 and is studying Political Science at Auburn University and have sized 14 feet.

You all will be team Lions and you will compete with other teams in a game competition at the end of the week. If you are caught doing something good deeds in the camp, you will also receive points. At the end of camp in about 20 days, the winning team will get a funny surprise but it will be hard but we believe all of you can succeed. The rest of the teams was arranged soon afterwards.

Wow we have a great team said Andre. Yes we do said Cory. So let's win this commented Laura.  We can do anything with confidence said Devin. Absolutly we can said Courtney. I know there is a game of baseball said Madison so we need to train for that during free time in every afternoon. Yes we need to go to the baseball field in the Mike's Palace later tomorrow to train said Andre. What about the logical games challenge said Cory. That is tougher but we can start with giving each other riddles to solve every morning said Franklin.

They put their hands together in the center forming a circle and yelled out, let's go Lions!!!!!!!'!!! while sending their hands into the air. Little did they know there is a tickling element in the camp too

To be Continued

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