The Darkness

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The next morning, Andre woke up and tried to turn on the bathroom lights, but nothing happened. He used the restroom , but was very confused. Then he realized his battery on his phone was dead. In fact, none of his camp mates phones was charged. He walked outside, and saw no lights anywhere. There will be no main session today. It was 10 am when he woke up. There was no activity anywhere.

Since there was no electricity, food could not be served to the campers. Andre felt someone touch his left hand, and he realized it was Cory by his voice. What is going on, Andre? I don't know was all Andre can say. Franklin woke up and thought it was still night time, but he was wrong. Madison tried to take a shower, but the water was super cold because the heater had no power and in the dark, she lightly banged her head against the glass. This was not an ordinary day for sure. Addison was shocked by this day. She went back to sleep, adding an additional layer of blanket. Courtney decided to sit on the rocking chair on the porch, and pray. Something was defintely wrong. Laurean woke up and took a short hike towards the woods but turned back when seeing became a major issue.

Next, the entire camp was in disbelief. No one wanted to do anything since everyone was stopped. Soon, people heard the sound of a truck driving on the dirt path leading into the camp. 2 workers got out the truck when it came to a complete stop. They are the ones responsible for fixing the problem. A lighting storm had damaged the generators and power lines. It would take a couple of hours to fix the issue. Everyone gathered outside and started to sing their favorite songs but you could not distinguish one from another as everyone was singing at once.

Andre thought about doing a tarot card reading, but realized since there was no power, he could not see his cards to do this accurately. Suddenly, it was apparent this would be one crazy day. Then at noon, something incredible happened. The power went back on. The dining hall was open again and the cooks started to make the meals for all the college students and staff. Everyone threw their hands in the air, and appaulded the workers for fixing the problem.

Peace was restored to the camp. Then, at the main session, the director dropped a bombshell. There was no real power outrage. This was a test to see how each of you would react to a situation, and you all passed with flying colors. You all still were happy despite your sufferings, and bonded together. The workers were hired actors to give an impression that there really was a blackout. Good Job. Now go to the dining hall for a late lunch then go to the movie theater at the sun stadium for a treat.

Everyone was giggling because they had no idea that this was staged. They gathered in the dining hall for some steak and eggs with a vinegar based sauce. The movie shown that night was The Godfather. The next day would be a day full of activities

To be Continued

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