Lions Battle

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It's another round of baseball training that night because there was no communal event on the night of the 4th day of camp. They met at the baseball field.

First to bat was Cory. Andre threw him the ball, and Cory hit it high in the air to right field, but Franklin caught it for the out. Next up was Franklin's turn to bat. Madison pitched it to him. One swing and a miss. Strike One, no Balls. The second pitch, a curveball up and away. Second swing and another miss. Two strikes and no Balls. Let's strike him out yelled someone from the crowd. Madison pitched a fast ball and Franklin took a swing and missed. He was out. Next up was Madison. Addison was the pitcher. She threw a high changeup straight down the middle, and Madison hit it over the fence. Home Run! oh yes. Madison sat down as she ran around the bases. Addison was up. Her pitcher was Andre. It was hit in the ground. Cory picked it up and threw it to 1st baseman Franklin for the out. That's enough for now.

The team felt confident in their practice, but their next challenge would be more exciting.

Andre went for a silent hike in the woods, and he soon reached a small hut. He knocked on the door twice, but no one answered. He went back to his cabin to take a nap before dinner. Cory went to the snack hall and put in 2 quarters in the vending machine, and out came his Snickers bar when he inputted the code. He finished it in 4 bites. Meanwhile, Franklin went to the lounge to play on the computer games. Lauren was sick, so she took a nap. Just a cold, nothing serious. Madison went to the woods, but unlike Andre, she made a left and the first fork not a right. She ended up at the stream. She kneeled down and put both hands in the calm water. It's so cold she screamed out loud. Finally, Addison went to the dining hall early and she was first in line.

At 6 pm, everyone else in the Lions joined Addison in line, but in different areas. Dinner that night was beef lasanga and it was delicious with garlic bread and a side salad. Well everyone thought so except most of the Tigers group. That night, the Lions gathered in the cabin to have a secretive meeting. All right, hands in said Lauren. Andre, Franklin, Cory, Madison, Lauren, and Addison with Courtney put in their hands in the middle of the circle and they raised them up high at the same time while yelling go Lions.

We have an amazing team that can do anything if we put our mind to it said Lauren. So if there is anything on your mind now, please feel free to speak it out. Okay, here is the deal. I'm excited to try out the rope course tomorrow morning at the gym said Cory. We will join you said everyone else at once. Cool Cory replied. Hold on, we don't really know Cory as much as the others in our group so let's give him a special welcome said Franklin. Someone grab his legs and someone grab his arms. Not knowing what is going to happen next, he tried to run but tripped and fell lightly. Courtney picked  up his legs and Madison picked up his arms and swung him back and forth as everyone chanted go Lions, welcome Cory, go Lions before throwing him on his cabin bed.

Are ya'll crazy? he said. I could have injured myself with that. You're right everyone said. Tomorrow is another special day so let's get some sleep said Madison. Good Night!

To be Continued

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