Surprise Session Part 2

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Now it was the Lions turn to bat. Cristian pitched to Andre and it was a triple off the left field corner. He used a slider but it was perceived and struck off perfectly. Next Ethan pitched to Madison and it was a strike out after 2 straight balls. Then it was Bridget's turn to pitch to Courtney and she hit a fly out. Then, Sally pitched to Cory and he wiffed but got on base due to an error by the catcher. Laurean was being pitched to by Cristian and it was another strike out. Ralph pitched to Addison and she bunted the ball perfectly and she got on base. Franklin was last to practice batting. Nora pitched a couple of fast balls that he cleverely not hit and the count was 3-0. After two straight change ups made it 3-2, the next pitch was a slider that he surprisengly hit and it curved into deep left field and he got an inside the park home run when 2 major fielding mistakes was made. A ball thrown too high above Ethan's head and rolling past 2nd past into left field corner then a ball stopping just shy of where Cristian was standing at 3rd base allowing the bizzare but fun run to score.

Everyone was so happy after practicing for so long, a feat that took 2 hours. They changed into swimming clothing then all was thrown into the pool by their friends and all those splashes was amazing. Then, they changed to go to sleep. What tomorrow will bring was not on their minds. Then, one single incident would change the trajectory of their lives forever.

You see, Madison had a weird but fun gift. She can predict things in her dreams and she saw the gold all camp fun trophy being stolen and smashed into many pieces. Using just a flashlight and a sword, she went into the trophy room to investigate and she made a discovery. The trophy was safe and sound. Hey stop, what you think you are doing? said security guard Thomas. Put your hands up!

She froze in terror.

To be Continued

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