The Prank War

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It was getting late when Andre decided to do something quite unlike him. He went into the bathroom and went to the sink that Cory uses and replaced his entire tube of toothpaste with ice cream then he waited till Cory brushed his teeth in the evening. Are you kidding me? he heard Cory scream. He gathered everyone into the common area of the cabin and barked, who messed with my toothpaste?

Andre silently raised both his hands in the air. Oh you are going to pay for that. Everyone dispersed to their own bunk beds. In the middle of the night when Andre was fast asleep and snoring, Cory handcuffed Andre's left hand to the right bed railing on the bottom bunk. A few hours later, Andre tried to get up but he discovered he could not. Did you have a good sleep? said Cory standing over him. Yes but why did you handcuff me to my own bed? replied Andre. It was 6:30 am.

Oh you know, you switched out my toothpaste so now you get something from me. What! come on, that was a joke said Andre. Too bad replied Cory. He removed Andre's adorable red hearts socks based on the poker cards. Now you will sniff my stinky feet. He put his stinky feet right up to Andre's face. It was a very foul odor and it appeared that Andre throw up at any second. Stop it! screamed Andre and it could have woken everyone else up but they had left the cabin.

Cory left his feet there for 5 minutes straight before removing it. He then got out a permanent marker and wrote naughty on Andre's left foot and boy on Andre's right foot. This will serve as a reminder not to mess with me for the rest of your life said Cory as he released Andre.

Unbeknowst to Cory, Andre knew how to remove the marker ink. He used rubbing alcohol to carefully remove it from his soles. Then, he got dressed and went to the dining hall for some breakfast. It was day 4. Andre ate a breakfast taco filled with bacon and egg with green salsa. He was still hungry after that, so he ate a chips and queso before he drank coke cola and left with his friends in the Lions group.

To be Continued

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