Surprise Session

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The Lions gathered. The director of the camp, Eddie Hawk came on the stage in the main auditorium to talk about a pressing issue. I'm sorry to have to do this, but one member of the camp, Tyler from the Sharks had to leave camp earlier than expected because of a family emergency. However rest assured, it's not a life threatening or even a death emergency. He will return for All Camp Fun in 3 days. Everyone was relieved but still wondered what is going on. They did mind their own business and did not ask about it.

In another issue, we have to tell you something important. Tonight is practice night. You don't have to practice for all camp fun, but you can if you want to. All events is set up so that you can practice if you choose to do so tonight. You can arrange to play a game of baseball with any team you want to.

I think we should play with team Bears to get into the spirit of the game said Andre Ydolly. That's a fantastic idea said Madison. Andre went to speak with all members of the Bears. First up is: Cristian. He approached him calmely and asked him if they can arrange a game together. He said yes. Then he approached Ethan. He was curious about the game since he never played so he said absolutly. Next up is Bridget. She accepted the invitation. Then, Andre approached Sally. She gave a positive affirmative response. He then asked Ralph. He pondered about it for 30 seconds then he said yes. Finally, he asked Nora. She is the most experienced player in the group and she said of course we can.

Lunch, the camp staff with their whole heart served something different that would blow people away. It was an elevated version of Shepherd's Pie and it was delicious to most people but Cory did not like it so instead he ate 5 candy bars from the vending machine for lunch. He paid the ultimate price for his decision. He had a massive stomachache later and he took the majority of the remaining day off, not returning till the evening baseball game.

The teams for some reason decided to hit only. First up was Cristian for the Bears. Andre threw him a perfect slider that he hit perfectly and it was a home run. Next person Andre faced was Ethan. He pitched a curveball and Ethan struck out, missing the ball by inches and he felt disappointed but his teammates cheered him up. Then, it was Bridget's turn. To see what else he can do, Franklin pitched to her. He used a changeup. It was majestic but Bridget hit it between the legs of Courtney and he got a double. Next, Madison pitched to Sally. She hit it well into foul territory but it was caught by Laurean. Ralph was next. Cory despite still somewhat not feeling well decided to pitcher and he pitched a fastball to Ralph. It seemed destined to be a swing and a miss, but Ralph hit a soft ground to 2nd baseball which Andre fielded it perfectly. Finally, Laurean pitched the ball using a slider to Nora and it was a home run.

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