The Heist

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Thomas was adament that Madison was up to no good, but she tried to explain that someone was going to break the trophy. Thomas was shocked by her accusation and threatened to put her in jail unless she says something believeable. However, at that moment, both of them heard someone break in. They were alerted by glass breaking. It was not who they expects it to be. Thomas and Madison realized as they walked down the hallway that it was not a camper or a camp staff member. In fact, it was 19 year old Gary Matthews, a trouble teenager. He had picked up the trophy with his hands and tossed it to his left, but thanks to quick thinking, Madison caught it in her hands and she put the trophy back in the original area in the case.

Meanwhile Thomas was pursuing the suspect. He used a flashlight to guide his way through the dark building. Gary ducked into the maintenance room and picked up a mop and he swung it at Thomas, and hit him on his back and Thomas fell. It seems like Gary was going to escape, but there was no way to know for sure if he would or not. He then made a left into the exit. Thomas meanwhile had managed to pull himself up and gave chase but when he reached the fork in the hallway, he made a left into the camp woods. Gary was steps ahead of him. Then, the morning bell rang signifying it was time for a camp activity. If Gary managed to reach the main auditorium, it's possible something bad is going to happen to them.

Thomas acted fast and picked up a soccer ball and knocked Gary to the ground. Thomas used his body weight to sit on Gary's back. He called the police and soon, Gary was handcuffed and taken away from the camp in a police car. Thomas had no idea what motivated Gary to do something like this, but he was glad everyone was safe by this. Madison returned to the main auditorium.

It was 8:45 am when the last main session of the camp started. I like to welcome our last guest speaker of the camp said Newt, the camp's assistant event's planner. He is a star of a different kind. Let's give a round of applause to David Ingles. Every student clapped their hands in appreciation of him. He is a famous author of writing several books including, "Son of a Farmer", and "The Life as a Chef". He is a renowed author and have 4 of his books being named as New York's best sellers. I want to tell all of you something. Tonight, to celebrate the start of All Camp Fun tomorrow, we will host a party back here so make sure you attend, and trust me you do not want to miss it.

Second, it has came to my attention that some of you have a special gift. I want to welcome Madison from the Lions to the stage. What did you do? said Franklin. I'm not sure she replied. She waved her hands in the air as she walked up the stage. This wonderful girl have single handly stopped a heist in progress that could have destroyed the All Camp Fun trophy that have been sitting year for over 20 years. Had she not predicted the incident, way very well could have cancelled the touranment tomorrow but thanks to her great effort, it will happen.

Wow, she knows everything commented Andre out loud so that everyone could hear. Let me tell ya'll something, use your gifts everyone because each of you is special. Thank You for letting me be here today.

As he walked out, the teams was dismissed. Night came quickly. Andre saw Ethan at the party and decided to dance with him. They completed the Texas Two Step without an issue. Then, they ate pizza. Nora and Franklin played darts and Franklin lost and Nora won $2 out of winning. Sally and Addison went swimming in the pool and splashed each other. Bridget , Ralph, Laurean, Cory, Madison, and Laurean all sang Karaoke songs and did good and attracted a big crowd. There was a slip n slide and most members of the Tigers went on it and this set up tomorrow.

Quincy is 21 years old of the tigers and his major strength is his ability to unite the team in difficult challenges. He is a new member of the group after registering late but in All Camp Fun, he can only be used as a substitute. All Camp Fun is about to begin at 8 am the next morning, but one more challenge awaits the winning team

To be Continued

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