Main Session 4

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The Lions, Tigers, Bears, and Sharks gathered in the main auditorium. The weather was beautiful outside. It was sunny and it was a good day. No dark clouds in the sky that would signify it will rain.

Attention everyone said Steve. Today, we are going to introduce someone very special. Welcome, Tom Brady quarterback of the New England Patriots. Everyone hooted, clapped, and cheered as he walked in as even non sports fans knew who he was. Are everyone happy at camp? he screamed off the microphone. Everyone screamed yes!!!!!!!!

Well, today is going to look a little different. One of your groups here will get a chance to win tickets to an New England Patriots home game and a chance to see me in person in a game called Trivia. One representive from each animal group will participate in an all out war.

Courtney went for the Lions. Gary went for the Bears. The Tigers sent in Lindsay. Finally, the Sharks decided to put their confidence in Tyler. Okay, first to answer 5 questions right wins it for their team.

First up, what is the name of the first ever capitol of the USA. Courtney shot her hand up faster than everyone else. What is your answer said Brady. It is Baltimore. That is incorrect. Lindsay shot her hand up. Yes. It's New York City. That is correct. one point to the Tigers. The Tigers erupted into a ton of cheers.

Second question, in Harry Potter first ever film, what is the platform for the train to Hogwarts exclaimed Brady. Tyler shot her hand up. What do you say is the solution? Tyler confidently said 9 and 3 quarters. Yeah that is positive. The Sharks are now tied with the Tigers at 1 each.

The next question is, What is the capitol of China currently? Courtney said Beijing. Absolutly correctly good. Sharks, Tigers, and Lions are now tied up. Next question is, name something you can find at Blockbuster. Gary replied VCR tapes. Yes you are correct sir. Everyone have a point now.

Next question is the hardest one yet, so think about it before you answer please. Tom Brady said, who do I play for currently. Tyler said Tampa Bay Bucs. Congrulations, one point for the Sharks to move them to 2.

Next up, what is the name of the Sunshine State. Tyler's left hand was first. Florida sir. 3 points for the Sharks and now it gets closer for the win. Let's take a break. The contestants was fed cheese and ham with watermelon chunks during it.

Welcome back to Trivia. My follow up question is, what is the setting of Home Alone? Tyler was first once again and said Chicago is correct. 4 points. Looks like no one is stopping this kid. One more and you will win it for your team.

The main question is, what is the last letter of the alphabet? Z said Courtney. That is brillant response and you are correct. 2 points for the Lions. This is not over just yet. For a possible win point, what is the role of a nurse.

Tyler shot up his hand quickly in the air, his right hand. I have several. Check blood pressure, take temperature, and take pulse. This is correct and the Sharks win it.

Well nice try thought Courtney. The Lions gathered around Tyler and shook his hand and introduced themselves. Tom Brady took the mike and said you are going to the New England Patriots home again against the Buffalo Bills next season with your Sharks and you all get an autographed football and sneakers by me and get to play football routes with me in person. Are you serious? Tyler said. Yes I am

To be Continued

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