Day 3

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The next day was different. There was a time of silent reflection at 7 am. By 8 am, it was time to try breakfast. They all met in the dining hall. Cory had a breakfast omlettee. Andre had a chicken biscuit. Madison had a cheese sandwich. Courtney had a bacon and egg taco. Franklin had a white egg spinach stir fry.  Addison had a grilled hot dog.

Joyce in the other Sharks group was relaxing with her feet up in the recliner when she heard someone come in the room. It was Steve, one of the camp designers for the All Camp Tournament. He was shocked to learn that Joyce was in love with him. He is 26 years old. As he leaned in to her feet, he has a weird urge to tickle her feet. He sniffed both her feet first. She said, What are you doing? I love feet. Go ahead and indulge she replied back. Steve then licked her feet from bottom to the top. She giggled.

Steve played this little piggy with her toes both on her left foot then on her right foot before giving them a short 10 second tickle. She giggled some more then pulled her feet away. Come on, we need to prepare for the games. Now apple bobbling is insane so let's get this right.

They put out a tray of apples. With her hands behind her back, she leaned in and successfully grabbed one apple with her mouth slowly. That was not fast enough for the team because it was the number of apples that matters more. The technique was good but it was too slow. The Sharks started to be nervous at this point. Luckily, there was still 17 days left till the end of the camp and the final activity.

So they encouraged her some more. This time, she had 5 apples in 2 minutes, a major improvement. Her team grabbed her hands and feet and threw her in the air before catching her.

In the main session, Greg Olsen was the main speaker and he was 33 years old and he was a motivational speaker. Listen all of you are probably wondering about life after college and I'm here to tell you that every decision you make is important but do what you want not base your decision on what others want you to do. Not for the money, not for the hours, but for your happiness is most important. Often, people quit or is fired because they never wanted it in the first place, but if you work hard and have the passion, you will do good.

I can attest to the fact that when I was younger, I wanted to be a baseball player and I put in the time, the effort, and everything else, and you know what? The truth is, I made it. I made it to the Texas Rangers and I had fun. We did not win a title, but that is not what matters the most. I finished my career inducted into the hall of fame because I wanted it more than my Dad wanting me to be a welder, more than my mom wanting me to be a teacher. What you do is more important to you not others.

Everyone was excited for this. Then it was lunch time. On the menu was fried fish and pickles with a mushroom salad. It was not bad of a meal.

To be Continued

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