Time is Critical

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Day 11 is crucial for the campers. This is how it's set up. A main session in both the morning and night followed by small group after both sessions. First in the morning, the Lions walked together to the session in the morning. It's a beautiful day outside with no sign of rain, snow, dust, or hail. The animals in the petting farm was well fed. The staff was ready to put on a show. They sang 5 country songs. When the college students settled in after that, it was time for a speech.

We like to welcome our next guest speaker, Adam Wax, a professional chef in Dallas, Texas. Thank You everyone for letting me speak today. I want to talk about cooking today. He demostrated how to cook his Alaska King Salmon with sides. Everyone, come up and have a taste of this delicious food. He sounds so arrogant said Joyce. No, he is not being arrogant replied teammate Hilary. But, why does he think his food is that delicious commented Joyce. I don't think he is arrogant, just trying to set the vibe for the food said Kerry. We will see if he can back up his words replied Joyce. After tasting the food, most of the students agreed it was delicious. Then it was free time till lunch 2 hours later. Small group time went by fast.

Courtney, Madison, Addison, and Laurean tickled Andre's armpits, sides, belly, ribs, neck, and knees as he crawled on his hands and feet to practice for the Tickle Crawl event. He fell down a couple of times. As he giggled and laughed when he was being tickled a lot. He made it through the challenge in 25 minutes which is not bad, but it may not be enough to carry his team to The All Camp Fun win.

To practice the tickle wheel, they put Madison on a bed and tickled her upper body. This was only to see if she can last the full 30 minutes, but without the wheel, it's hard to know if she would be able to do it on the wheel. But, Andre tickled her underarms with 4 fingers. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. She wet herself after just a minute of tickling but she refused to give in. Even when Cory tickled her belly button with one finger and she giggled, Madison refused to give up. She took it well. Then, Franklin tickled her neck with a feather and she lost it with heavy laughter and it made her go sporadic with laughter, not knowing if her toes would twitch, if tears would fall on her face, if she would giggle, or she would laugh heavily. To give her a final test, Courtney and Addison poked and tickled her ribs and sides for the last 15 minutes. Madison went explosive laughter mode as it may have irritated the other campers that may be taking a nap but she passed the test.

Finally, it was time to test Cory. They asked him if he knew what the 7 continents were as Franklin and Madison ambushed his feet with finger tickling and he was able to answer within 2 minutes despite laughing a ton. They gave him 18 more questions and he got them all correctly. His laughter was adorable as different people tickled him. Andre and Addison tickled his arches which made him wet himself. He was tickled for 33 minutes at that point. Then Laurean and Courtney tickled his toes with their fingers, one hand pulling his toes back and fingers on their other hand tickling his toes.

He did it within 50 minutes and the team was pleased with him. At lunch, the staff served the college students grilled salmon fish with asparagus and green beans. They thought it was delicious but 27% of the students did not eat the green beans.

After a break, the teams gathered in the main auditorium for the last main session of the day. Sleep is very important said Dr. Ruffles. Your body needs sleep in order to restore energy to your bodies after a long day of studying, playing, working, and doing other teams, but you also need it to prevent illness so get enough sleep tonight.

At small group, the Lions played Scrabble and Cory won. At dinner, it will be amazing. The staff served them pizza- Peppironi, or Cheese but instead of garlic bread, they were served cheesesticks and instead of salad, they got fruit salad. After dinner, Andre went to the woods to do a tarot card reading and found out there will be a great enlighting moment to come.

To be Continued

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