Day 2

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Andre woke up and realized that Franklin, Cory, and Devin had left the cabin for some fishing. Andre took a shower, brushed his teeth, and put on deodorant, before using the bathroom. He went to the dining hall for breakfast. He ate chicken and egg biscuit. Andre was very happy today. He was looking forward to the main event at 10:30 am. It was 7 am right now. He decided to go to the woods for the first time since he came here. As he was walking wearing his T-shirt, shorts, and shoes, he suddenly realized he was not alone. He overheard a group of people talking about something personal and he peeked over a corner to listen which he should not have done.

Hey! what are you doing here? said a voice and Andre felt someone grab his arms. I'm sorry he said. Andre, are you kidding me? Andre soon recognized the voice as his camp teammate Courtney. I just came for a walk. That's no excuse replied someone he knew as Addison. This was a private conversation. I know how to deal with him cried out Madison. Get his arms and plant him on the ground. Madison took hold of his arms. Andre was very frightened now and did not know what is going to happen to him now. Laura said, let's tickle him. Nooooooooo don't tickle me protested Andre. Well you should have dropped in very rudely.

At those words, Courtney reached her fingers into Andre's armpits and tickled them with her fingers. Madison dug under Andre's T-shirt and tickled his belly, sides, and ribs alternating within minutes. Addison tickled Andre's toes with a feather she had found on the ground while hiking here. Laura tickled Andre's neck. This was all done at the same time. Andre was laughing hard. For the next 20 minutes, he was tickled nonstop and he was not given a break until that time was up. Come on, you really had to tickle me? said Andre weakly. We didn't have to until you made a choice, and it was a bad one. Switch positions yelled Courtney. They let go of Andre, and just when he thought he will be let go, he was wrong. Courtney grabbed his left leg. Addison grabbed his right leg. Laura grabbed his left arm. Finally, Madison grabbed his right arm. Come on, let me go already Andre said. Not until you learned your lesson said the girls in unison. Addison tickled Andre's knees. Madison tickled Andre's palm of his right hand. Laura dug into Andre's armpits with her fingers. Courtney did not tickle Andre at this point but the combination of 3 girls tickling Andre at the same time wore him down and he even wet himself. They let him go after another 20 minutes of nonstop tickling. Andre got on his feet.

Now wait a minute, you listen to me Andre said Courtney. Do this again and the consequences will be much worse and it may not even be tickling next time. I'm sorry, it won't happen said Andre quickly. We will hold you to that replied Madison. They left together to the main session. They sat near the center of the auditorium and awaited the main event.

Welcome back campers. Today, we are going to discuss something very important. Now you know the stress of college can be very overwhelming, but there is one thing you can do here to relax. We have opened a new building known as the stress free station. For one thing, in this area, you can pet puppies, get a massage by one of our finest therphaists, walk barefoot on our rocky sensation path, and more. The student cheered. This is defintely going to be unique Andre said to Madison. We will go one of these days Courtney said to Addison. I would enjoy that said Laura. Next thing on our agenda is the first activity will be held after this session. We will have 4 stocks outside and we need one volunteer from each camp team to offer their feet up to be tickled. The one who lasts the longest will win a critical advantage for their team for the end of the camp fun touranment. Wow said Courtney. You should offer yourself Laura said to Andre. I would, but I'm exhausted by the tickling all of you inflicted on me. Come on up and stand next to your team name to accept the challenge. Andre, if you won't do it, I will said Madison.

Madison bravely walked up the stage and stood next to the Bear logo. The next person that walked up was from team Sharks. That was 21 year old Social Science major Dean Willows from The University of Memphis. He has sized 12 feet. Then, 20 year old Hilary Jousts walked up and she is a teacher major from Grand Canyon University from Team Lions. She have sized 14 feet. Finally, the last competitor walked up. His name is Blake Tea. He is 18 years old. He came from the University of New York City and he is studying Chemistry. He has sized 11 feet. He is from team Tigers.

Thank You all for volunteering said the camp leader. Let the fun begin. Everyone walked outside. Madison, Dean, Hilary, and Blake removed their shoes and socks. A big sign was posted outside. It said:

Madison (Lions)-
Dean (Sharks)-
Hilary (Bears)
Blake (Tigers)-

The college students was locked inside the stocks and their toes was tied back. Here are the stakes. The winning team will get to decide which the order of the events every team will take part in, so if you are smart, you will organize them depending on the strengths of your team, but you must win this first. Ooh intriguing said someone in the crowd. Now let the tickling begin.

Madison was tickled first. She felt fingers attack her toes. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Wow, this is one ticklish person and it looks like she might be the shortest time to break in the games history said announcer Gary Payne. No, I won't let you. The tickler was 28 year old Eddie, one of the staff members of the camp. He tickled her arches with an electrical toothbrush. The bristles worked well on her left foot and she exploded with a lot of laughter. Break, you know you want to said Eddie. I represent the Bears and we are a strong team. I won't she said. Then endure this. He turned the toothbrush on max speed and it was horrifying. The tickling was intense than she thought and she said Stop!.

What a tickling. Bears, you have a time to beat of 12 minutes and 30 seconds. Good Job said Andre as Madison passed him on the way back to rejoin her team. I thought I could have done better said Madison. It's okay. Remember this only decides which team gets an advantage and we still have a shot to win the entire thing said Laura. You're right replied Madison.

Next up was Dean from the Sharks. He was tickled on his right foot by Eddie playing this little piggy on his toes then licking his toes. Not that, not that, he said right before he giggled. What a cutie said the announcer. Dean, get this win! his teammates yelled from the stands. I will he said. He will regret those words. Eddie used a ball point pen to doddle hearts. ballons, and other things on his left foot and right foot and he gave in. That's a good effort but you only lasted 7 minutes and 25 seconds and is eliminated from winning, but you are strong.

Hilary from the Lions was next. Eddie used a hair brush on her left foot entirely. She hollered with laughter very loud and her toes flexed only a little. This one is a keeper for tickling. Her team encouraged her to relax and try to endure as long as she can. Eddie then licked her feet. She gave up shortly after that happened. Very good said Eddie, but your time is just 10 minutes and 3 seconds and your team will not win this advantage.

Unbelieveable folks, it all comes down to the Tigers and Blake. No one has been able to stop the Bears so far, but Blake might be able to pull it off. Crush them yelled his team and they showed their teeth like a Tiger. His feet was tickled by a feather very slowly but deliberate. Oh wow, there is no stopping him said the announcer as he giggled. Eddie switched tactics. He sucked his toes and Blake giggled even more. Blake was determined to win so he did not surrender yet. Eddie tickled his toes with a paintbrush and he gave up. Did you have enough time to beat the bears. Yes you did! You got 13 minutes and 10 seconds.

Wow, what an incredible ending said Eddie. He is defintely one to watch out for said Andre. But they could possibly our strengths in order too so let's just practice baseball said Courtney this afternoon. Let's do it. Andre couldn't help but wonder if there is more tickling ahead and he would volunteer next time if there was

To be Continued

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