End of Camp- Part 1/2

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It is time for all camp fun said the director of the camp. Everyone shouted for joy but felt sad that it means camp ends today.
Now the first event is the iconic tickle crawl. Ethan for the Bears, Tyler for Sharks, Rebecca for the Tigers, and Andre for the Lions. On your mark, get set, and go. Ethan crawled out first but as soon as he was tickled by camper Joyce, he fell down and had to get up and move again. Tyler got to a strong start avoiding tickles for a while. Rebecca faltered at the middle as fingers attacked her armpits and she fell. Andre started out well, but he was gang tickled by mutiple girls on his stomach and he was laughing very hard and delayed his advance forward. Soon it was Tyler vs Andre to the finish line. Hands dug into Tyler's ribs and he giggled but he kept on crawling like it did not affect him at all. Andre was tickled on his sides and he was hysterical with laughter. He won the race, however, and the Lions had a good start. He passed the mini torch that was lit after he crossed the finish line and gave it to Franklin who is going to do apple boobing.

In the crawl, Tyler finished second and he was proud of his effort. Rebecca rallied back from behind and finished 3rd. Ethan finished 4th and he knew his tram had a lot of catching up to do now. Here, it was no easy challenge either. First up was Benjamin for the Sharks and he bobbed 2 apples and then he escaped. Next up was Timothy for the Tigers and he bobbed 3 apples in that minute and went up the leaderboard. For the Bears, it was Sally who took charge and she got 1 apple in a minute. Last up was Franklin. He sunk his teeth into an apple, but dropped it and had to try again but he ended up with zero apples and the Lions and the Tigers was tied in the medal race for now, but there was a 30 minute intermission before the next event.

For the lunch, everyone had smoked salmon, toast, advocado, and sweet tomatoes. Then it was time for the tickle wheel which every participant dreaded. Let's do this said Madison though she was afraid it would be a disaster. She was blindfolded and strapped into the wheel by her arms and legs. Now a 5 minute timer started. Hands tickled her bare feet. Wearing just shorts, she was vulnerable mostly everywhere. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. She could not know how much time was left making this unbearable. Next to her it was Lucas from the Tigers and he was tickled on his underarms. He buckled with laughter. Then, Denise from the Sharks was erupting into a lot of crazy emotional laughter. The endurance was the key to winning here so it was imperative to not give in. Nora from the Bears was tickled on her ribs and it made her giggle loudly. They had no clue when this would end. Madison felt fingers poking and gliding on her sides and she was hysterical and random tears flowed from her eyes, but she stayed strong despite this. Lucas was experiencing have his feet tickled too and it was erupting into hyena laughter. Denise felt fingers attacking her tummy as the wheel spun around and she was laughing very hard. Hahahahahahahahaha, please hahahahahahahaha. Nora's feet was tickled by someone playing this little piggy on her toes and continuing the rhyme. Explosion of laughter came out of her mouth after that. All endured 5 minutes no breaks and advanced.

To be Continued

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