Chapter 2: Denied love for years.

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Tokyo, Japan ...

Meanwhile in Japan there was a mutant fox jumping across the rooftops, her name was Alopex and she was protecting the city from danger.

She used to be a criminal with her brother Takeshi, aka Tiger Claw,but she turned on him as she hated a life of crime. So when she came back to Tokyo after her encounter with her brother in New York, she had decided to fight for justice.

As she was patrolling the city looking for danger she saw something that caught her attention, a young man was being attacked by bandits.

"HELP ME PLEASE!!!" He shouted but the bandit just hit him and laughed.

"Give us your wallet!!!" He shouted, Alopex gasped and soon became angry.

"I have to save him." She hissed and ran down to save him.

All the young man saw was a blur as Alopex got out her weapons and fought off the bandits before knocking them out.

The young man smiled "Thank you pretty...AHH!" He said before screaming when he saw what Alopex looked like.

"It's no problem." She said but the young man began to run away.

"MONSTER! MONSTER!" He shouted as he ran away terrified.

"Wait!" Alopex shouted after him, but the young man was already gone.

She sighed and went back to the roof tops and went back to her home, an old abandoned apartment building.

She sighed and sat down on her bed and took out a torn copy of Romeo and Juliet from underneath her bed and began to read the scene where Juliet was calling out to Romeo after meeting him at the party.

"Oh Romeo, oh Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo deny thy father refuse thy name and I shall no longer be a Capulet." She said reading the scene was her favorite scene in the book.

She sighed and laid down on the bed. "How I loved this scene and this story as well. Mom used to tell me this was her favorite scene in the story as well." She said just then she remembered her mom.

Her mom Sakura had a loving relationship with her father, Akira. They were just like Romeo and Juliet.

Her mom use to tell her the story of Romeo and Juliet when she was little every night before she went to bed, but Alopex actually didn't read the whole play until she was 18 years old when she had acquired the copy, that was in her possession now, which had turned out to be a present that her father gave her mother on their first wedding anniversary.

Alopex looked on the back of the cover to find a little note that her father had written to her mom many years ago.

My love,

This play reminds me so much of our own love story. Whenever I read this I think of you and me and the endless love we have for each other.

Happy one year anniversary, my Sakura.



Alopex then began to cry as she remembered that she had always wanted a love like her parents, but because she was mutated many years ago she couldn't have it because people got scared of her appearance.

"I wish that I had an amazing love story like my parents did. But everybody only sees me as a horrible monster because of my mutation." She said and continued to cry.

Music started to play and Alopex began to sing.

Alopex: I lose my way, no one cares.

The words I say, no one hears.

My life it seems

Is a world of dreams.

Deep in the night, you'll find me.

Dream and you're right behind me.

Stay if you will stay

We'll dream the night away.

Dreams to dream in the dark of the night

When the world goes wrong, I can still make it right

I can see so far in my dreams

I'll follow my dreams

Until they come true.

There is a star waiting to guide us

Shining inside us when we close our eyes!

Come with me, you will see what I mean,

There's a world inside no one else ever sees.

You will go so far in my dreams,

Somewhere in my dreams,

Your dreams will come true.

Don't let go, if you stay close to me

In my dreams tonight, you will see what I see

Dreams to dream, as near as can be

Inside you and me, that always come true,

Inside you and me, that always come true

Once Alopex was done singing , she decided to turn on the TV and

watch the news to get her mind off things

As soon as she turned on the news channel there was a story about 5 Mutant animals roaming around New York and she grew worried.

"New York has 5 monsters in it. Oh no I had better warn the Turtles and their friends." She said as she grabbed her book and packed it in a worn backpack along with a flashlight, extra batteries, food, water, and a picture of her parents with her and her brother that she had always kept with her in a heart shaped locket and raced off.

Alopex was a friend of the Turtles, April, and Casey after they had saved her from her brother Tiger Claw after she had gone after him to get revenge and so she became their ally and friend.

"I'll catch a ship leaving for New York City Harbor." She said.

As the ship was leaving when she arrived at the harbor. Alopex grew worried, but then she got a determined look on her face and jumped to the boat and had managed to land on a shipping crate high enough so that the crew would see her.

She quickly hid in a crate that was opened and sat down.

She sighed in relief. "Made it." she said and looked through the door of the crate she was hiding in and saw the beautiful night sky.

She smiled and then laid down to fall asleep.

She yawned "Next stop. New York City." She said and fell asleep.

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