Chapter 9: Seeing the Turtles Again.

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Down in the sewers the Turtles were watching a new episode of Space Heroes: Next Generation with their human friends Casey Jones and April O'Neil.

"So you guys heard from the Mighty Mutanimals recently?" Casey asked.

"No, not really." Leo said. Mikey however sweated as he had seen Leatherhead only a couple of days ago and confided in him about his biggest wish.

"So um do you guys want to stop by and see ho...?" April said. suggesting they go see the Mutanimals and check on how they're doing, but was interrupted by a sudden noise at the entrance.

They all looked to see Leatherhead carrying an unconscious mutant fox in his arms. Mikey ran up to him worried "Leatherhead what happened?!" He asked.

Leatherhead breathed heavily before replying "I saw Tiger Claw attack and injure my new friend Alo..." He said before Donnie interrupted him.

"IS THAT ALOPEX?!" Donnie screamed in surprise. Leatherhead shook his head "Yes." He said.

Leo then got stern "Donnie and Leatherhead take her to Donnie's lab she needs medical attention." He ordered.

Donnie shook his head "Right." And he and Leatherhead raced to Donnie's lab to help with Alopex's injuries.

"How did you know Alopex's name?" Leatherhead asked as Donnie connected her to a monitor.

"The last time she came to New York she tried to use the Cursed Blades of Vengeance on her brother but used them on me first when we cornered her in the museum where she stole them from. It took some time but after we saved her from her brother she let us destroy the blades which lifted the curse." Casey explained how they knew Alopex.

"Yeah, after that we never saw her again for awhile." Leo said.

Suddenly they heard Alopex waking up. "What happened?" She said in pain.

"Tiger Claw attacked you, but I stopped him and took you to my friends the Turtles so they could help heal you." Leatherhead said, holding her hand explaining everything to her.

Alopex blushed "Well thank you Leatherhead." She said politely.

Leatherhead blushed back "It's no problem." He said shyly.

They both looked at each other smiling and leaned closer to each other before Raph interrupted them.

"So Alopex, why did Tiger Claw attack you? For that matter, why are you here in New York anyway?" Raph asked suspiciously.

Alopex blushed with embarrassment "Well I thought that Leatherhead and his team were going to attack you guys, because I saw them on the news back in Tokyo as 5 monsters that were roaming New York City." She said.

"Okay, but why did your brother attack you?" Raph asked

Alopex got angry "He's trying to get his revenge for what I did to him even though when I wanted to see him again I just wanted to talk." She said through clenched teeth.

"Yes I saw and I took care of Tiger Claw and he got hit by a car on the street when I knocked him there." Leatherhead said. explaining how he helped her.

The Turtles and their friends grew worried. "This isn't good. Even if Tiger Claw is hurt he'll recover rather quickly and go after Alopex again." Leo said with concern.

"It's fine Leonardo, I can take care of my-OUCH!" Alopex said as she tried to get up but felt a sharp pain in her leg.

"Oh no Tiger could've broken your leg, here let me take an x-ray." Donnie said and got out a makeshift X-ray machine and put lead robes on him and Alopex. "Okay everyone out of the lab and close the door please." Donnie said.

Everyone did as they were told and only had to wait a few minutes for the x-ray to be taken. "Okay you can come back in." Donnie said and everyone did.

As Donnie looked at the x-ray he turned pale green. "Oh yeah your leg is broken, Alopex. So I'm afraid you can't fight until it is healed otherwise it'll only make things worse." Donnie said as he showed her the results.

Alopex became sad. "Oh no." She said disappointed.

"Anyway I'll have to put your leg in a cast so that it can heal properly." Donnie said as he got his medical supplies out.

Five minutes later he had managed to bandage Alopex's leg in a cast.

"Okay so now that we've taken care of her injury Alopex will need to stay somewhere where she can be guarded from her brother until she's completely healed." Leo said.

Alopex grew angry "What no I'm fi-OW!" She said as she tried to move but it only made her yelp in pain again.

Leo became very annoyed "Look Alopex you heard Donnie you have to rest until your leg heals and until then no fighting so you'll have to stay with someone to guard you." He said sternly.

Alopex huffed but then sighed "Alright." She said in defeat.

Leatherhead suddenly had an idea. "So who's going to..." Leo asked who could look after Alopex until she heals until Leatherhead interrupted.

"She can stay with me and the Mutanimals. I'll protect her until she feels better." He said enthusiastically.

Alopex was surprised "Leatherhead wants to protect and take care of me and he doesn't mind." She thought.

The Turtles and their friends' eyes widened "Really Leatherhead it'll be a big responsibility. " Donnie said with caution.

"Yeah and how will Slash react to this?" Raph asked with concern about Slash allowing this

Leatherhead smiled "It's fine I can handle it and I'm sure that Slash wouldn't mind either." He said.

Everyone else thought for a moment but then Leo spoke "Okay take her to Mutanimals HQ and watch over her until she feels better." Leo said.

Leatherhead smiled and quickly went over and picked Alopex up and carried her in his arms "Thank you my friends." He said as he exited the lair.

After that everyone was shocked. "I'm surprised Leatherhead wanted to do this." April said in shock.

But Mikey smirked "Looks like Leatherhead found the right girl for him sooner than he expected." He thought feeling happy for his best friend.

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