Chapter 8: Tiger Claw's Return and Siblings Fight.

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Meanwhile at the docks Tiger Claw finally reached New York and immediately went looking for his sister.

"When I find you sister I will make you pay for what you did to me." He said bitterly as he sniffed her out through the city.

At Alopex's hiding place she was reading her book when she suddenly had a vision of something... someone horrible looking for her.

She gasped as she fell to the ground and then she saw the person's eye looking for her maliciously.

She then grew fearful "My brother has come back for me." She said but then she became stern "I will not fight him, he is my only family left but he still continues to hold onto the past like I once did, but I won't let him hurt me." She said and she then ran out into the streets to look for her brother and try to talk things out with him.

Tiger Claw continued to search when he had a vision of Alopex trying to find him to talk things out. He smirked as he thought of a plan to get his revenge "If my sister is trying to find me to try and talk things out then I will pretend to listen and when she least expects it, I'll make sure I don't lose an arm this time." He said and then he laughed evilly.

However Leatherhead overheard his plan when he was on patrol in his part of the city for the Mutanimals.

"Tiger Claw is trying to hurt his sister even though she wants to talk things out with him." He growled angrily.

He then started to follow Tiger Claw to make sure that whoever he was hunting wouldn't get hurt by him.

After about 10 minutes of searching, Alopex and Tiger Claw finally found each other. "Takeshi." Alopex said bitterly as she glared at him.

Tiger glared back at her "Sister, so nice to see you again." He said bitterly as well.

Alopex sighed and composed herself and then began to speak "Takeshi I understand that you are mad about what happened the last couple times we met, but I want you to know that..." She said but then she was interrupted when Tiger Claw punched her in the stomach.

Tiger Claw laughed "Did you really think that I'd want to talk things out with you sister? Ha! I really came here to destroy you as payback for what you did to me." He said maliciously walking towards her.

Alopex growled with anger "I won't let you be..." She said but was interrupted when Tiger Claw picked her up by her shirt and threw her against the wall knocking her out.

Tiger Claw chuckled and too out his sword for his robotic paw "Now to finish this one and for..." He said as he was about to strike her he was suddenly knocked back by a huge green tail.

When Tiger Claw could see straight again he saw Leatherhead roaring angrily at him.

"You I will destroy...!" Tiger Claw shouted with fury but Leatherhead hit him with his tail again and knocked Tiger Claw onto the street where he was hit by a car.

Leatherhead took some breaths to calm down and looked at an unconscious, injured Alopex. He grew worried for her.

He picked her up gently. "Don't worry Alopex I'll take you to my friends the Turtles they'll fix you up." He said and he quickly ran to find the nearest entrance to the sewers big enough for him to fit in so he can get medical attention for Alopex.

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