Chapter 7: Sometimes I Wonder.

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Meanwhile in New York it was night again and Alopex was going to meet Leatherhead again. When she arrived at the factory she opened the door and immediately went inside.

She looked around for Leatherhead. "Leatherhead?" She called.

Just then he appeared out of the shadows. "Hey Alopex glad you could make it." He said.

She smiled "I wouldn't pass on hanging out with you. So why did you ask me to come here?" She asked.

Leatherhead smiled, "To show you my collection of books." He said and turned on the lights.

Alopex was surprised when she saw a huge stack of books on an old table. "Whoa when did you start collecting books?" She asked curiously.

"A little while ago actually since things have been kind of slow since my friends and I have defeated our enemies so I took up reading as a pastime." He said explaining his collection of books.

Alopex went up and grabbed a book and looked at it. "Where did you get all these?" She asked as she gently flipped through it.

Leatherhead nervously looked at his feet and explained. "I sometimes find change dropped into the sewers or onto the streets that people have not claimed, so I take these coins and clean them. Then I give it to my human friends Casey and April and ask them to buy books for me from a used book store whenever they can." He explained how he acquired all this reading material.

Alopex smiled "Wow that's actually pretty cool. I only have one book. "She said taking out her copy of Romeo and Juliet from her bag she then flipped to her favorite part and began to read "Oh Romeo oh Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo. Deny thy father, refuse thy name and I shall no longer be a Capulet. '' She said. reading in a clear voice.

Leatherhead was surprised "You know this play?" He asked.

Alopex smiled "It is my favorite story when it comes to love stories. It reminds me so much of parents." She paused on mentioning her parents.

Leatherhead looked at her with sympathy, he immediately knew what her silence ment. He then puts an arm around her. "I'm sorry." He said.

She touched his hand. "It's okay." She said.

They smiled at each other, but then she quickly got out of his arm and faced him again.

"This is quite a place in Leatherhead. Do you do anything else besides read?" She asked.

Leatherhead cleared his throat "Well I wonder about things." He replied nervously.

"Things? What kind of things?" She asked curiously.

"It's... nah you'd think that it's silly." He said turning away from her.

Alopex then touched his arm "I bet it's not silly at all. Try me." She said as she took his hand when he looked at her surprised.

Then music started to play and Leatherhead began to sing.


Sometimes I Wonder what the colors mean, why the sunrise is orange.

Like your eyes.

Leatherhead gasped as he realized what he was saying. "I'm sorry." He said then Alopex touched his shoulder and he perked up again when she said "Go on."

He then continued singing.


Sometimes I wonder why the moon is new Where the stars are shooting to When they're shooting through the skies There's wondrous things that I would like to know Like how they make the winds and turn the tides And then I wonder why I wonder so, While other guys are busy choosing brides, Oh, where was I...

He then stopped again after realizing what he was doing again. But Alopex smiled as she enjoyed his singing. She then helped him "Choosing brides." She said, Leatherhead then continued.


Sometimes I wonder if there'll ever be, Someone right for me, Someone who may wonder too, Who is wonderful, Like y-y-y-y... I don't know Like y-y-y...

He then stopped as he thought that she was getting bored "You must be bored to tears with all this wacky nonsense." He said nervously as he stopped singing.

Alopex smiled and playfully hugged as she replied "Oh, no! I don't think it's nonsense at all, Even if you are a bit wacky." She said.

Leatherhead hugged her back and they both spent most of the night reading and talking to each other.

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