Chapter 3 - The Two Figures

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Y/n pov

Where do I go? I have nowhere. No-one will give me shelter, Henry and Rachel have given me a dangerous reputation.

I give out a hopeless sigh and start to walk along a random path against the bitter wind. My teeth chatter and my whole body shivers. Everybody seems to be staying inside, too scared to go out in the cold.

I let a few tears fall out and watch them as they instantly freeze when they hit the ground below into some fresh looking foot prints leading into a narrow passage of a forest.

What is this? Why would someone be in this weather? I look up and see them trailing into the nearby forrest. Now that's even more stupid, why would you go anywhere near a tree in the middle of a snow storm? One could easily get crushed, I guess Henry would love for me to step into the forrest right now...

I look back down, my gut sinking at the thought. How could anyone wish for such a thing? Am I really that horrible? In order to stop myself from crying more I snap my focus back to the prints of someone probably braver than me. I slowly inch over and through them, the snow crunching under my feet, I forgot to put shoes on in my desperate attempt to escape, now my socks soak and burn my feet. I take another step, examining the prints, trying to paint an image of who I could run into. After not getting any ideas I look up at the opening of the forest. It is dark, unnerving perhaps if I actually feared for my safety. Afterall, I don't mind what happens to me, as long as I'm not in that house. Nothing could be worse than that, certainly not trudging through layers of snow in my socks. Definately not following a mysterious path alone into a forest at night... Who am I kidding? I'm scared shitless, nevertheless the snow is pretty, reflecting what left of the moon's reflection has made it's way through the trees. 

Picking up a walking pace I enter the forest, the smell is comforting somehow, with the dry bark and the faint smell of smoke. They must be close, with a warm fire. I feel my heart slow down so I start to run instead. The snow, although soft is hard to push through, draining my energy pretty quickly.

As I begin to slow down, I spot two tall figures in the distance, a new wave of adrenaline rushes into my body, asking it to run, but curiosity keeps me walking forwards.

One of them appears to be trying to find something, it is broad and strong looking. The other is more slender and elegant looking and is resting its face on its hand. I start to hear the tall beings talking to each other.

I tense up when I hear their deep voices, they sound tense, which only makes my stomach drop more. I take a deep breath, hoping they don't see the white expell of air from my mouth and take one more step forard. What are they talking about? Are they kidnappers? Murderers? Only one way to find out. I hold my breath and try to hear their words over my thick pulse.

"How many times have I told you brother, not to run off in any direction you please, we have an important mission!" said the slender one.

"But I saw a strange animal that was orange and was jumping in and out of the snow, I simply had to examine it...
to see if it was a threat" it said with enough caution to pad everything with bubble wrap. Hold on, wouldn't that just be a fox?

"Honestly Thor, you amaze me every time" the other said sarcastically. 

This doesn't seem to calm the broad one any more as he holds a defencive stance, "Well don't come moaning to me when a beast starts attacking you, we haven't been to Midgard in cold conditions such as this," he darts his head around, "Yes, we've been through Jotunheim, but this could be different, we don't want another Bruce situation."

"We are Gods, aren't you forgetting? Nothing on Midgard can harm us". Midgard? Jotunheim? I've heard those before, that's from a sort of mythology, a made up thing. Maybe I heard them wrong, they surely can't be talking about those places seriously.

"Anyway, let's carry on with our mission, don't let anything distract you brother"


What mission? It seems like I've stepped into a serious situation, serious enough to face this storm, but apparently not a fox. How do they not know what a fox is? Are they aliens or something? They look pretty human to me, just something is different... I creep closer to get a better view, dodging the trees and gently placing my frozen feet through the sheets of white.

I am a good 15 metres away from the two bickering brothers, their features barely noticeable if it weren't for the flamed torch. The broad one is wearing a thick, long brown coat with red and silver undergarments and large boots. He had long, messy, toffee blonde, wavy hair and a beard. The elegant one is wearing green, gold and leather, he is wearing far less layers and seems to be unaffected by the cold, he has long, raven black, luscious, wavy locks. And a smooth, defined jaw line.

I swear I have seen these people before, like in a dream. 

They walk around some more and the one in green continues to search. He holds up a torch higher, giving me a better view of their faces. The flickering flames cast shadows over their features, accentuating their concentration and taking any breath I had left away. Holy sh*t, these guys are hot, especially that elegant one. The way he seems to command his armour like a king and the wind picks up his locks, he looks around my age too.

I stepped forward in disbelief and snapped a stick in half.

"Shh. Did you hear that?" The elegant one asked.

Sh*t, they know I'm here.

"What?" The broad one resumes his last defensive stance.

"A twig snapped, something with weight is watching us"

"See I told you that-"

"Shh, now is not the time." The elegant one whispered.

They both turned around, the broad one held a up an odd looking hammer and the elegant one flicked a knife out of nowhere. What?! They started to creep in my direction, my breathing got quicker and my heart beated louder. I freeze, can they see me? Why do they have weapons? What are they going to do with those weapons? If I stay here too long they'll only get closer.

F*ck it, just run.

And I ran.

"Hey, there it is!" The elegant one shouts.

I hear their steps getting faster and closer, "SH*T" shitshitshitshitshitshitshit

"Come back here you pesky little-!" Bellowed the broad one.

I sprint as fast as I can, turning my head round and see them both chasing me with inhumane speed, the gap between us closing too quickly, the thuds of their boots overpassing my heart.

This is the end, why did you do this to yourself? My legs are too numb to make go faster. I'm completly fucked.

They are so close to me, but just a few more seconds and I'll be on the street. I'll find an abandoned shed or something. But a branch trips me up and a blur of white accelerates towards my face and my head ricochets off of a rock. Black engulfs my world.

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