Chapter 10 - Prey

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Taehyung...typing: Hi Ara, just thought I'd message you to see if you're free tonight? Or are you too busy kissing your boyfriend?? 😠

Message sent and delivered.



Dae bak!! Did he see me with Jimin?? Shit, shit, shit!

Frantically typing...Message sent and delivered.


Ara (5.13pm): What are you talking about?! I wasn't kissing anyone. I don't have a boyfriend!

Oh, I see you like to play games. Well, lucky for you I'm the Games Master.

Typing...Message sent and delivered.


Tae🐻 (5.14pm): Oh that's funny, my camera says otherwise. And unless you want Kookie to find out, I suggest you tell me your address...because we are going to play a little game tonight 😈

I'm dead. If I don't do what he wants, Jungkook will find out...and possibly Jimin. How could I be so stupid?!! Ara you deserve to be alone after this!!

Reluctantly typing...Message sent and delivered.


Ara (5.17pm): Fine, 7 pm. My address is 22-2, Dohwa 3(sam)-dong.

What a good girl. I'll be seeing you real soon.



I looked at the clock, 6.59pm. Then out the window. I can't stand this! I should have just fled the country while I had the chance.

Knock knock knock!

He's here!


A very sour-faced Ara cracked the door open.

"Hello Ara, you're looking especially delicious tonight."

"Shut up, get inside!" she snapped.

"Mmm fiesty, just how I like them," I sniggered, stepping inside.

Looking around, everything started to make sense. She's definitely a virgin. There was an endless sea of pink and stuffed animals. Not a single trace of a male presence.

"So I'm guessing, you're wondering what wonderful game I have planned for tonight? Well, it's a personal favourite...Truth or Dare."

"What?! How the hell do you play that with only two people?" screeched Ara.

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