Chapter 65 - Love Me

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Love is confusing. It had only been a few hours since Jungkook had placed his ring on my finger...but already Jimin was giving him some special attention. I don't know how it had transitioned so fast, but I had the feeling they both had had some unfinished business from earlier. I guess that's what it means to be in a polyamorous relationship.

The sexual tension in the air was thick; almost suffocating. I could tell no one was really watching the movie that was playing aimlessly in front of us. Jimin and Jungkook sat on my right, while Tae lay on my left. I could see the blanket cautiously moving out of the corner of my eye, and every now and again I heard Jungkook breathe out a silent shaky breath. Tae was watching them out of his periphery; his posture stiff as he nibbled at his lower lip unconsciously. 

I stretched my arms above my head and allowed my shirt to tighten around my breasts and reveal a sliver of my stomach; waiting for a reaction. Let me join in. My movements had the desired effect I had hoped for, as the blanket stopped moving and a low groan escaped their lips. I'm waiting. But no one moved. Aggh.

I leaned forward and stood up; bending over to push the scrunched-up section of my pants down to my ankles. But still, no one moved. Seriously? I walked off to the bedroom and shut the door behind me. I sprawled out on the bed and lay looking up at the roof. Aggh, why am I so desperate? I turned over and looked at the wall; huffing in frustration. Does no one want to love me?


Damn it Jimin! Why did you have to push it?! I should have just controlled my emotions... Now she's upset.


Fan-bloody-tastic. Now they've done it. My Princess is upset, all because they couldn't keep it in their pants.


Fuck! Her ass looked good when she bent over. I should go find her.

I went to stand up but Jimin tugged the back of my shirt. "Where are you going?" He asked with wide eyes. I looked across to Tae, who was now glaring at me and I gulped. "Umm...I thought I would just...go to the toilet," I responded as casually as I could, but Tae wasn't having it. "You're going to try and fuck her aren't you?" He asked with an accusing tone. Jimin gasped and slapped my leg; "Jungkookie!" Fuck.

I went to respond but Jimin's expression switched from shock to seduction in a split second. What goes on inside that guy's head? A smirk grew on his lustful lips and he reached across to sensually massage the side of my neck. For a moment I almost forgot what I had been thinking, as I fought to keep my eyes open. Then suddenly Jimin slapped my skin; "Naughty Jungkookie." I felt my face flush when I realised I had definitely been caught out now.

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