Chapter 79 - Christmas

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"Sir, your rings are ready for pick up," voiced the man on the phone. Yesss! Finally! "Thank you. I will be in shortly to collect them then," I replied before ending the call.

I looked across at Ara and she had noticed my changed expression; "Everything good Tae Bear?" I nodded enthusiastically and took her hand in mine, before leaving a lingering kiss in her palm; "More than good... Our rings are finally ready."

She smiled widely and pinched my cheek; "That's great! I know you've been waiting a while for them. Do you want me to come with you?" I gripped her hand tighter and nodded. She giggled and crinkled her nose; "Okay. I'll just get something else on quickly then."

She eagerly got up from the sofa and made her way upstairs to get changed. Meanwhile, I zoomed around the house collecting various things that I had hidden in inconspicuous places, so Jimin wouldn't find them. Okay. It's happening tonight. I should call Kookie and let him know.

Ring ring. Ring ring.

"Hey Tae Tae, what's happening? I'm just with Jimin-ah at the park," Kookie responded cheerfully. I could hear Jimin in the background laughing happily and it made me internally coo. He always loved the swings.

"The rings are ready...and so I wanted to propose to Jiminie tonight. Can you make sure he's back by 3?" I asked hopefully. "Oh yeah sure. You picked a great day for it; Jimin-ah has literally not stopped laughing and he has the biggest mochi cheeks from dinner last night. I just want to squeeze him to death," he said with a chuckle.

After our big dinner last night, Jimin's cheek size almost tripled and it made his eye smile even more adorable. "I know! Why do you think I feed him so much?" I said with a burst of laughter.

I could hear Kookie giggling on the other end of the line; "I always knew you were a genius Tae Tae. Anyways, I'll make sure he's back... Plus, let me know where you want the tree set up so Ara and I can do that while you two are out." "Sounds good. I'll see you soon," I hummed before hanging up.

Once I had moved everything into one of the spare rooms, I clapped my hands and shut the door. He's going to be so blown away.

"Ready Tae Bear?" Ara's asked as I turned around, "...Is it all in there? Does Bunny know?" I smiled and nodded; "Just called him. He's at the park with Jiminie but they'll be back by 3... So I guess, we better get going then."


They're perfect. He's going to love them. A beautiful ring for my beautiful soulmate. I was sitting in the bedroom running my finger over the two identical rings; tracing their outline. So shiny.

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